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  1. I currently use kindle, it does exactly what I need it too plus theres plenty of free ebooks about which work with it
  2. I always recommend against using hyphens in domain names unless it is to emphasise a particular word in the url. I personally think they look less professional and can add extra confusion for customers wanting to remember the website address. Another potential problem is people looking to take business away from you or to direct your customers away by using the non hyphen version and forwarding to their own site! My advice would be to buy both and set up fowarding and potentially gain extra traffic, boost your search engine rankings and protect your brand name.
  3. Royal plaza by any chance? We are currently being ripped of £80/month and we don't even ever have heating on. Nobody is in during the day as we both work too, we rarely ever press the boost button and yet our bill is still stupidly high.
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