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Posts posted by Boing

  1. Have you tried http://www.babycentre.co.uk? That's where I went when I was TTC (trying to conceive) and there are loads of great people going through the same thing.


    Also I think they say it can take 3 months for your cycles to get sorted and they recommend waiting for your first period before trying, in case you got pregnant otherwise you won't know when your due date is. I too used body temperature charting (proved that I did at least ovulate but didn't know when till after it had happened!!) and ovulation sticks, but they were never very clear and it became a bit of an obsession. So I ditched them, went with the flow and got pregnant the next month!

  2. I have to say I have never actually set foot in a nursery but know friends who have sent their children to fantastic ones. However, for me, it was as someone else said the issue of my daughter only being 9 months old that I felt she would receive more individual attention at a childminders. Fortunately a friend recommended one so I felt happy that she would be safe and happy there.


    i have heard horror stories of the food served at some nurseries, as well as the rate of staff turnover, but obviously this does not apply to every nursery - you just have to do your research I imagine.


    I know a few local childminders and I know all the paperwork, NVQ courses and Ofsted checks they have to go through (being a teacher myself I can sympathise!) so I would never regard them as "glorified babysitters" - alhough I am sure there are some not-so-good cms who maybe are, but that's the same in any line of work. My little girl loves the attention from the older kids when they come home from school, gets to go to playgroups, on the swings and just for a walk on the school run (when she invariably falls asleep!) and she always eats her lunch which she often doesn't for me - so I give cms a big thumbs up!

  3. Hi hope all this great advice has helped. Some days my little one would cry and cry and eventually have a big poo so it could be constipation as well as wind - little babies do suffer sometimes! We used Infacol and it seemed to help, also lying her face down across your lap and wiggling your legs up and down so you massage her tummy can help. My girl was also really difficult to burp and it would take a lot of patting her on the back before anything came up.


    It is tough when they just cry and cry but I promise you every day it gets better until now my little girl is 9 months and rarely cries, just whinges which is much more bearabe! people say the first 6 weeks are the worst and by 12 weeks you are getting the hang of things so stick with it. xx

  4. Avoid Halifax!! Our house is on the market with them at the moment and has been for 8 weeks - not a single viewing, no contact from the EA, nothing. Then I had the Blundells guy round who was very impressive in his approach (proactive ringing people looking for that type of property to arrange a viewing etc) so I rang Halifax and they suggested dropping the price. I was like, no way, there are other houses on the road for the same price and they're getting viewings or even selling. So I said about Blundells and that we were thinking of switching and she just said "ok you need to send in a letter and we'll keep it on file for when the 10 weeks is up and you can change" - just like that!! So 2 weeks to go...


    Halifax don't charge any upfront fees but you are tied in for 10weeks which they kept very quiet (and in the small print). Blundells charge about 1.75% in total if you include a 6th of a page advert in the property paper - it costs £100 up front (I think) or you can choose not to put it in the paper. There's a fee of £395 marketing fee up front too - although a friend of mine was quoted £495 and they managed to haggle them down to £295 so double check that one!!

  5. Oh yes, calpol, ibuprofen in between, anbesol and Ashton and Parson teething powders are all used here, I can recommend the whole lot used at once, usually at about midnight with bleary eyes....:roll:


    and bottles of milk for when he refuses tea....


    and grandma's for when you've just had enough :hihi:


    Love the tips! We've had screaming tantrums at mealtimes today and she's got a runny nose and red cheeks...I thought she had a bit of my cold but maybe it's teeth?? Hadn't even thought of Calpol but used those Ashton and Parsons powder things, bit late in the day though! x

  6. Also if the crying wasn't working you could try that Supernanny method of sitting by her cot till she falls asleep and gradually sitting further away each night till you're outside the door. Though might be hard with 2 other children I know.


    Sounds like you're doing a fab job anyway, stick with it. x

  7. Wow thanks for your responses. I should have said that I have a 9 month old little girl so I am looking for work in Sheffield and the surrounding area only basically - moving is not an option. I taught English for a year in France as part of my French degree, but I'm guessing, from what I've read, I'd still need the CELTA qualification if I wanted to teach in the UK? Also I think I'd like to do it for my peace of mind, so I know I'm delivering the best possible service.


    It also seems like most jobs are in the schools in the south, that's why I'm cautious about job prospects up here. If I wasn't a parent I wouldn't think twice about changing career and possibly taking a while to find work, but we just can't afford for me to do that for long now. Do these courses help you find a job at the end?


    I've looked at the ones available at Sheffield Uni and Hallam and there are so many I'm a bit confused...


    many thanks for the compliments on my employability abroad too!

  8. Great thread, thanks! We're going in May when my little girl will be 11 months so it's great to hear about bikes with trailers, soft play areas and baby section in the swimming pool. It's for my friend's 30th so I wasn't sure whether to take her or not to start with but now I'm glad we are!

  9. Hi just thought I'd say hello and explain my absence recently! I'm Sophie's mum by the way... She's started her settling in sessions at the childminders on Weds and swimming lessons on Fris so we haven't been able to get down. I was thinking of coming after swimming this Friday but I see you're shut - tsk!! If we don't make it before, we'll definitely be around in the Easter hols. xx


    ps Sophie is NEARLY crawling and getting soooo frustrated about it!

  10. Hi I live in S12, can you get to the tram? If so you can come to Jellytots in town in Victoria Methodist Church on Chapel walk, just off Fargate. Just get the tram to Cathedral, it takes about 20 mins. It's open Mon Wed Fri 1-3pm. If not send me a pm or post again and I'll try to find others but I recommend this one!




    My daughter has just turned 18 months old and am really wanting to take her to a nice playgroup to mix with other children.


    I am ideally looking for one within the s12 area of sheffield as i dont drive


    if anyone knows of any in this area then please let me know


    many thanks

  11. Hi Lisa,


    I hope you're feeling better. I had a miscarriage May 07 and this year in June I had a beautiful baby girl. I was in pieces too for ages after mine and I have a very caring and understanding husband, so what you're feeling is totally normal. I recommend the Coping With Miscarriage thread on http://www.babycentre.co.uk they have been through everything and I couldn't have got through it without the support on there.


    Now I look back on it I can be philosophical about it and say it just wasn't meant to be that time, but it has taken a very long time for me to feel like that.



  12. Yes! And I can't find anyone else who does too! It is finally subsiding, 11 weeks after birth, and I feel a lot more active and able to twist/stretch without pain. For me it was in my knees, ankles and thumbs mainly and I also found it painful to open bottles and things. I was told it was the hormone relaxin still in your body and to do with breastfeeding. So all I can say is mine seems to be going so hang in there! xx

  13. I tore and had stitches - 2nd degree tear which is through muscle apparently (ouch). I asked at my 6 week check up why they didn't give me an episiotomy (cut) and she said there are 2 schools of thought and that tearing isn't necessarily better than cutting and vice versa, can't remember the exact reasons why! My stitches took a while to stop hurting but I think by about 3 weeks they were pretty much healed. Also I didn't feel a thing when I gave birth, there's so much other pain and effort going on!

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