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Everything posted by clematismontana

  1. Hey thanks for all thhe advice people , i did post the thread some time ago but only just seen the replies, i havent actually met with him but i think he knows ive been curious to meet him from certain people contacting him. The ball is in his court now so its up to him to decide , obv if i dont hear from him then he isnt worth knowing x
  2. lol No - cant beleive it was 2009 when I posted that I was 21 im nearly 23 now..
  3. She told him to ask questions at the end about " what prospects are there" he didnt ask any relevant question actually related to the role or the company. The interview for the customer service role was shocking... "what do you think is a forward thinkng company" ..
  4. I watched it last night and thought she was rubbish, I dont think she actually knows what she is talking about. In regards to the people getting the job I think that was a Tv stunt.
  5. Can anyone recommend a good tarrot card reader, I am wanting to get my cards read. I have never had it done properly before and really wanting to see what the fuss is about?
  6. So shut the club down and have loads of so called "thugs" going into other clubs and bars around Sheffield. If you dont go there then it wont affect you because your not there to experience any of it. I would feel more safe to be in niche as I know they have tight secuirty than any other club as the bouncers arent as tight and secure. I dont agree with the violence or whatever but at the end of the day if they shut down a club where these people go there just gunna start trouble else where.
  7. People that have never been niche in there lives why would you criticize a club which you have never been in? Surely if the club gets shut down wot are the regulars guna do?? Cause more problems else where maybe bring trouble onto the streets or take over other clubs in sheffield, (that may affect ppl that go) so surely its best to keep it open and keep them under one roof?
  8. me too I suffer from terrible migraines must be the old age
  9. ............................................................
  10. Sorry I am used to typin slang. What I am trying to say is I know I can get a much better car for £260 a month, however how do I go about changing cars and still pay the loan as normal? Can i trade it in or what?
  11. I bought a mini cooper last year, I took a loan out with the bank to buy it however Im gettin bored of it. I should of really took out finance but someone said loan would be betta. I took a loan to cover the cost of the car and a years insurance, so if i was to sell the car I kno I wont get as much as I need for the car and there will be alot outstanding ... I pay £260 a month for it and I kno i can get a much better car for that much however how do i go about doing so nd still pay the £260 but for a car which is worth the4 value of that?? ANYONE HELP??
  12. Its hard to rise above it cus im soo angry...judt want things to get better but right now i dont feel they can. The one thing i didnt want to ehar is that he has moved on, and I know he is moving on straight away he told me he was talking to a girl on sunday and thats the day he ended it how selfish is he, told me its my fault and i didnt love him! Its all been twisted to me! This christmas is the bloody worst!!
  13. When he was textin my friend last week he was with me!! At the end of the day it would of been so much easier if this didnt happen, but seen has he went behind my back and disrespected me like that and laughin in my face last night I dont really want to let if go and make him think he has won.
  14. so i found the reason why he wasnt talking to me someone had told me I had slept with one of his friends, which is not true at all!! At the same time last night i found out that he was textin this girl im friends with, she told me last night over text saying she felt bad. on the same night my friend called me to say he was chatting a girl up all night on tuesday.. This all came at me at once last night!! I feel sick with what has happened and i dunno what to do. I cant beleive this, i was doing so well with not speaking to him but we had a massive arguement yesterday, Im s upset i cant see him out or see her! I thought things would get better but they have just got 100 times worse!! what should i do now? Get my own back or let him do what he wants and make me feel worse!!
  15. ok thanks Hopefully 2010 will be bright and bubblyyyyy woo im excited More road trips, dates.... wooooo !!
  16. hmmmm if he does then it will make me upset and more determined to find someone i dont want it to be competition ... but I know it will..
  17. ooooooook i just hate to think he will find someone and be happy before me .. and I know what he's like last time we split he a million girls numbers in his fone. I had a couple but was textin ppl for the sake of it not cus i liked any1 grr
  18. I dont seem to have a problem with attracting guys its just me being attracted to the guys is the problem. ..
  19. Not sure to be fair about the holiday thing........... Juts guna go out and meet new people and have a good time i think. Im going to have nothing to do with him and not mention his name at all... As far as im concerned he doesnt exist. where ae all the hot single guys at? lol
  20. Yea true, but her side of things arnt exactly pleasant so I doubt when she is writing her story and not knowing taht I have seen it she owuld lie about anything. Plus my mum mentioned he went to meet my mum and brother my brother asked to go out with him that night he did and then he didnt even bother to contact him after that so shows he aint bothered so to be honest I DONT wanna waist my time. He also said he wasnt ready to meet me yet ..
  21. Lol I dont really think that will be my scene, Im only 21 I tend to go in town every week. I am gunna start going to other cities! Manchester is a really good night. And yes really do love him, But cant keep round in circles I dont want him to think he can have me anymore either it needs to be over as time and time I have gone back to him when he has come running but I cant keep doing it because its just gettin me hurt. I was with my ex ex for 2 and half years thats was really hard but i got over him cus i found my ex but that was like a year or so later and he did go away in the army so it was alot easier because he wasnt around. My ex is always about and goes the same places, his friends are bad infleunces. Just dont wanna hear anything about him because it makes me mad and last time it bloody killed me to hear it . grrr I hate men
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