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Posts posted by carosio

  1. 15 hours ago, cuttsie said:

    Looks like Neepsend in the back ground 

    I thought that, but there were two gasholders there, another was on Effingham Rd S9. Also, if pic was taken from the west (Walkley area) the skyline would be top of Parkwood springs, which it isn't.

    If pic was taken from the east (Parkwood) then the building on the left skyline could be Arts Tower,  the one to the right of pic could be hospital and one to  left of it, some flats? Image could have been reversed?

    Update - I somehow missed Ted W's post, I thought the buildings and skyline didnt add-up for Sheffield.

  2. 10 hours ago, Anna B said:

    Trouble is Padders, if the Church of England shuts up shop, religion won't go away; Islam or some other religion will take over instead, probably far less benign than ours, thanks to the zealots.


    We C of E people are pretty lazy about our religion. We're more or less born into it, and don't have to make much effort. Many of those professing to be C of E probably haven't been to a church in years, yet were often subject to Bible stories, hymns and prayers at school so have a basic knowledge/understanding of Christianity. That is diminishing now as new generations come through. I was alarmed to discover that some teenage relatives had no knowledge of what Easter was about or why it was celebrated. Be careful what you wish for. 


    Britain is indeed becoming more secular, whilst other religions are becoming more dominant and are often wrapped up in a particular way of life, (as ours used to be.) which may prevail and enter the mainstream. I have no wish to have to adopt this lifestyle, and become part of a persecuted minority fringe. 

    I agree.  When a vacuum is formed, others will fill the void. The CofE is a rather benign branch of Christianity, us older ones have been versed in its culture which for the large part was ok, and even if we rejected the miraculous element of Biblical scripture and didn't attend church etc, we went along with life as "cultural" Christians.

  3. 1 hour ago, cressida said:

    They chose a robber and a murderer to save over a good man,  it was perverse,  the worrying thing is that some people are still perverse.

    Jesus of Nazareth was particularly despised by the priesthood because (amongst other things) he claimed to be the Jewish Messiah and was a deity therefore perceived to be a threat.


    In some parts of the world, people are still burnt/hacked to death because they identify as a Christian.

  4. 2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

    Fashion is now out , no more figure hugging shirts , lairy socks that don't warm the feet or shoes that look good but don't walk reight .

    The Blue Bell wood shop had better get ready I am dumping the lot .




    Does that include the Beatle jacket, crepe sole shoes and drainpipe trouses?

    • Haha 1
  5. It's a stretch of the imagination to think that the Ukraine war was started purely in the interests of major corporations, or China threatening Taiwan, or Assad in Syria.

    In the aftermath, when re-building takes place, it is likely that many foreign firms will be awarded contracts, consequently many will benefit such as the workers for these companies, the tax taken, and perhaps even people on here might benefit.

  6. 3 hours ago, Padders said:

    Man bags, Bum bags in "Padders Bar" not flippin likely..

    "Flapper" would be squawking obscenities at em, and I doubt Eileen would serve em.

    Only Proper MEN visit "Padders Bar" 

    Back in the late 17th century when Men were Men, and Monkeys chewed tobacco, is a tradition which is upheld to the present day..

    How about a very manly army shoulder satchel?

  7. The park opposite the 3 Tuns is the bigger underground park which I think is operated by Bank parking, there is a smaller pay and display further down Silver St, possibly Council.


    Bank Parking appear to be members of the IPC, (most are members of the BPA- British Parking Association. Some say the IPC was set up because the BPA was allowing too many appeals and some companies didn't like it, so beware of this organisation.


    IPC code of practice  https://portal.theipc.info/uploads/SGw1VHlWQWJOU2grd0d2eUdmVll5UT09/Code of Practice V7 November 2019-V1-V2.pdf


  8. 6 hours ago, cressida said:


    "But people should also look at the reasons that Russia has invaded Ukraine....there are always two sides to a story some would say that they have a good case for war"


    I agree with The Daddy on this,  a minority of Russians were being harassed  in the Ukraine and from there everything kicked off.

    Some might, but the Ukranians (and most counties) would disagree and they knew an invasion might come ever since the Russians invaded Crimea.


    The Chinese are benefiting because they are buying cheaper oil and gas, plus they probably favour a weaker Russia.  Also, they see that Europe is having to give all its attention to the war.


    If Moscow had been successful in capturing Kiev, they would have have had Nato on their borders anyhow.


    From what I have seen and heard, I wouldn't believe anything the Russians say.

  9. Not saying this doesnt apply, but this is a Private Parking Invoice.


    1. Do not ring or email them or mention who was driver..

    2. Search the company on google and see similar problems on ticket machines.

    3. go to Money Saving Expert  'private parking tickets' and read the 'newbies' thread which will tell you all you need to know.


    There is an appeals procedure (depending on the company), you might need to take good photos of the signs and the ones in/on the machine, and observe whether it's the same company name on all signs and notices..



  10. 1 hour ago, Hopman said:

    The Scottich Highland Species has four legs, with those on one side being longer to cope with the mountain paths. This also makes them lean.

    I was trying to figure out how they made the return journey without falling over, then it hit me- they use the path on the other side of the mountain!

    • Like 3
  11. It's a Focus Titanium 1 Lt Ecoboost registered March 2018 (56k mileage, on a dealer's forecourt), the last of the 3rd generation, and I can't seem to find the precise road tax amount.

    Also, any comments please on the ecoboost engine as I know there has been issues with the cam-belt, apparently in 2018 Ford changed to chain drive, however this might only apply to the 4th gen models?


    It's not for me but a friend whose looking to 'upgrade' from her 2003 Focus diesel.



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