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  1. Hi Doug Maureen here. I've not ben on the site for a long time as there is an Owler Lane/Hinde House group on Face Book and we tend to keep in touch that way. Glyn Senior monitors the site. We generally meet up annually in August when Glyn is over in Japan. My email is moeb85@btinternet.com if you want details of any of the lads in the group. Hope you have a good Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.
  2. I remember seeing Sonny Boy Williamson but can't remember when. Why has no one mentioned Zoot Money? Does no one remember him?
  3. That was me. Me and my friends had queued for hours to get a front viewing. I was quite overcome and couldn't cope with the surge of people trying to get to the front during the Hollies' performance. Magical days.
  4. Been away without any access to TV so couldn't follow the news on Japan. Anyone heard from Glyn? I am not sure how close he lives to the affected area. Lets hope that it he is ok.
  5. Hi Phil I will try to make it on the 17th but we are awaiting news of a new grandchild and may well have to dash over to Lancashire. I am seeing Val tonight so will let her know and pass the details on to the rest of the girls. We have just got back home after 5 weeks touring in France in our caravan. It's brilliant being retired. We can go away as often as we like for as long as we want.
  6. I remember seeing quite a few acts at the Gaumont, the most memorable being Bob Dylan. I went with my then by friend and we walked out, along with many others, at the start of the second half when Bob Dylan came on with his electric guitar and band. Not the performance we bought tickets for.
  7. As an apolgy for my poor attempt to post the photo of the reunion, I have sent the photo to Ken Johnson to be included on his web site. So if you are keen to see all the young attendees at the reunion, keep looking at the site for an update.
  8. Merry Christmas everybody. Sorry about the photo but I thought it could be enlarged. I will try to send it to Ken for inclusion on his site. Phil did you get my text about the 60s show? If you are arranging this I will need 12 tickets plus whatever John and Alan want. Let me know if you are not able to book the tickets and I will then book them. John can you let me know how many tickets you and Alan want? All the best for 2010 Moe
  9. Thought you might like to view this photo taken at the reunion last year. Lads - John Clapham, Alan Vernon, Chris Housley, Phil Woodall and Andrew Civico. Girls - Val Parker, Moe Robinson and Josie Gratton. We don't look a day over 21! Maybe if you can enlarge this we may not look a day over 65. Roger Sidwell did put in an attendance but left before this photo was taken. Next year is the 50th anniversary of starting at Owler Lane. How about a grand reunion? Now I am retired I have some spare time. I will get Civ to help. It would be helpful if you lot can start by passing on any contacts you may have of the old wags.
  10. Hi Phil, Glad you enjoyed the night out. I have received lots of good comments about the show. I went into the City Hall to check on the 60s night. It is on 3rd March and tickets are £21.50. Pete and I are interested and I will check with the others who went to the last show.
  11. Hi John and Phil. I have the tickets for the Lyceum on the 1st Dec and need to get these to you. Can you contact me so That I can arrange to get the tickets to you. John can I give you the tickets for Alan as well? Thanks Moe
  12. Hi Lorraine good to see you have joined the forum. I thought that I would be the only girl joining in. I have replied to Ken and added more names to the list. The reunion was a bit of a washout. Only a few were there but there is another planned for later in the year. Maybe you could join us? Val mentioned about us having a get together in Spain. I have no idea where you live in Spain but there should be some decent hostelries near you where we can doss down. Hope to see you soon Moe
  13. I have just unearthed a Prize Distribution programme which was held at the City Hall on the Thursday 19th November 19,64 at 7.30pm. Is this the one that you are all referring to? On the back page is a list of all the pupils who achieved GCEs O Level. I note that Adrian C Hodgett was in form 5B. I have loads of photographs from both Owler Lane and Hinde House, which I will take to the reunion on the 11th July. Some of you have already seen these but there may others who haven't. I believe that there are plans for another reunion later in the year as there are people who can't make this one due to holidays etc. Glynn when you have your dates for coming over we will meet up with the usual crowd. Maybe we can tempt others to join us. As for the photo's on Ken's web page - I do know some of the missing names but also feel that some of the faces have been wrongly named or maybe I need new glasses!
  14. Long time since I came on the site so have lost touch with what's happening. Andrew Civico has been in touch and he has offered to do the bulk of the work for a reunion to celebrate our 60th birthdays. Any one interested in this? Are any of you ex-pats coming over to the mainland this year as Civ would like to know to set a date?
  15. I remember seeing the Rolling Stones at the City Hall in the 60s. The Hollies and Dave Berry were supporting acts. Great concert. Been to many Stones concerts over the years.
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