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Everything posted by dibble76

  1. What it says on the tin really... Does anyone know of any pubs, local or central showing the fight this Saturday, David Haye v Wladimir Klitschko????
  2. Does anyone have persian kittens for sale or know where I can get one from?
  3. I havent read every post as they all pretty much say the same but Ive read enough to give a reply. In relation to race, yes there are more races living in the city than there was when I was growing up, there are people from all different backgrounds in amoungst the community and Im sure we can learn a little from them all. I live in an area which is full of the "work shy" Mainly can I add white british, i am in no position to move from the estate but am burgled regularly by these people. I no longer feel safe walking the streets and I put it more down to lack of discepline in schools and at home, we are creating our own monsters. For anyone who is backing the BNP because of the race issue..... PLEASE I BEG YOU look at what else they stand for, I fear the day we are governed by a set of narrow minded religeon guided bunch of ar$es. If you feel we can not take the strain more immigrants would put on the country then look into other parties that have policies on control of immigration.
  4. Sound like a success story, I think its Phil Jackson Im going to, some school in Barnsley, I think it will be harder to train me than him, I need to discipline myself but Im sure we will work together and sort it out. Even if I can just walk him with my friends and there dogs that would be great for me! Thanks for this and good luck with your continued training.
  5. Im a bit rubbish at this.... how do I find the pet section?
  6. Hello I am desperately seeking a dog trainer who does 1:1 sessions. I rescued a 6yr old border terrier 12 months ago. He is such a loving animal when its just me and him but walking him isn't a nice experience. He really hates all other 4 legged creatures, to the point I would actually call him evil, I have witnessed him set about my neighbours staffi, through a mesh fence and it wasn't pretty, I would love to be able to walk him where other dogs walk without having to wrestle with him every time he sees another dog. More than that I would love to be able to let him off the lead and play chase with him, a game he enjots in the house. Does anyone know anyone that can help. I know he is an old dog but Ive seen dog whisperer and it is possible to teach old dogs new tricks but I need some guidence. Please reply or PM me with any details you may have. thanks muchly!
  7. http://www.slowdating.com/Speed_dating/Sheffield.aspx Heres a few dates for anyone who fancies trying it!
  8. Maybe you can have a word with one of the landlords at one of the pubs you dj at and see if we can set it up!!!
  9. Can you believe this saga is still continuing!!!
  10. Ive been single for 18 months, I like being single but sometimes it is boring and lonely. All my friends have now got small families so its even difficult to get out and meet people... What activities can you do on your own to meet someone?? SF needs to set something up for us singles.... I wouldnt know how!!!!!! Im too old to be spun a line... I want someone genuine and up front.... not sure such man exists!! :-(
  11. About 2:30am on the 22/08/09 I was on my way home from a night out the taxi was going up Herries Road from Hilsbro, where the new traffic lights are and that newish block of flats there were about a dozen people on the grass on the front of the flats having what looked like some mucky sex!!!! Did I really see what I thought I saw????? Does this happen often, I was quite shocked..... and Ill tell you Im no prude but that was just wrong!!!
  12. Hello I am looking for a cake for a friends retirement party. All the usual places dont really do anything for retirements, can any one advise where to get one from or recommend someone that makes/decorates cakes. Thanks
  13. Does anyony know whats happening on the flower estate, I drove through this morning and there were police everywhere. Whats going down???
  14. I think Shelter take stuff, if they dont they wil know who will.
  15. I can tell you that sheffield homes staff are still no wiser!!! Maybe by January they will have a clue!!!!
  16. Greno crem, especially when covered in a light scattering of snow, beautiful! Got to agree with wincobank hill the view from north south east and west all so very different. I would have said the Yorkshire Grey Pub but they knocked it down, best place ever on a sunny day, dont understand why we need another car park/hotel or what ever is there now!! The view from my bedroom window and the reverse view from my mates kitchen at norfolk park! Im stuck now, how sad!
  17. It smelt like rubber, but the smoke were coming out of the drum??? Fingers crossed its just the belt!!! Thanks for the contacts above and PM's hopefully it will be in full working order by the weekend.
  18. Hello I have a problem, my washing machine is poorly and I need a washing machine doctor to make it better. Even though the setting is to off when I put the power on it started to spin, I left it spinning a couple of minutes and then it started to smoke. I have a feeling it my be ready for washing machine heaven. The machine is only 2 year old so Im hoping it can be fixed. Does anyone know their stuff, can you assist, and if it is broken can anyone recommend somewhere that I can pick up a cheap recon one? Thanks
  19. You can borrow my dog for nothing, he would love it!!!!!
  20. I believe this slippery slope started with the planes that hit the towers, the FTSE suffered for it when the war began and then the banks started getting greedy, offering to lend rediculous amounts of money (xSalaries) over rediculous periods of time, Joe Bloggs drove the house prices the way they are for out bidding each other jus cos the banks said they would lend it, banks just accept that the price you pay for a property is its value but then you get to the now n negative equity every where banks not surviving on there great offers and people coming out of there 3 and 5 yr fixed. We were all set up to fail, and we all had a part in it!
  21. Does anyone know what the caffuffle is on sheffield lane top, there are serveral police cars and they seem to be officers frantically knocking on peoples doors.
  22. I find it strange how a company is held responsible for Joe Public not keeping to an agreement that is signed. Policies and procedures slow down the collections from the people who think they can live for free, it costs so much more than the rent owed to take someone to court and go through the whole eviction procedure for those who just wont pay. And then what happens is someone or a family become homeless they walk into howden house and they are fixed up with somewhere esle to stay. At the end of the day we all have to pay to live where we do whether it be rent or mortgage and if we dont we run the risk of being made homeless, if people cant afford to live in rented accomodation should they be made to live on the street? What is the answer to collections of rent, staff spend so many hours sat with customers talking through payment plans, but at the end of the day its down to the customer to make those payments. Should the council be allowed to take direct from a persons salary or benefit? If the CSA can do it, why cant the council/shef homes?
  23. The "credit crunch" is hitting all business hard. It was reported today that Bradford and Bingley are making 400 redundancies, retailers are doing the same. And yes you could say there is a miss management of budgets in lots of companies. Its time for us all to come together and be a little more aware of what we are doing in all our work places. The little things we do can make a big difference in the grand scale of things, do you need message pads or can you make message pads out of the back of the paper your putting in you recycle bin. Does the company supply your tea and coffee, can you set up an office fund to provide your own. Are lights switched off in rooms that aren't being used? I just hope the big bosses will listen to the staff, Im sure there are many people that want to take early retirement, people that are in a position that they will be able to take redundancy, lets see what we can do to turn things around. We have 6 months before the next financial year, lets see if we can make a difference. Anyone with me, its us our families our friends that are going to suffer through all of this, its up to us to try to make a difference.
  24. nice advice, loose the council more money loose more sheffield homes jobs. Council housing will not go bust, worse case is they will sell out. Why you advising people to take a chance on being evicted!
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