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Everything posted by sunblock

  1. I live with him and most things about hair belive it or not i do know since i have been brought up with family who are hairdressers...He did also say its hard to tell as they have to see the persons hair because what one can do to one persons hair might not happen to anothers. My dad doesnt do computers very well anyways but thats a different story. So you have a vested intrest in the business.... that was what i was referring to what you said above
  2. Im not a hairdresser but i did ask my dad last night, but its freedom of speech so ill say what i want with out being told what to say by anybody...and the other thing even if they did own something and if i didnt like it i would say theres lots of bussinesses friends own which i dont necessarly like
  3. Apparently it can be done on coloured hair but its risky as to weather it work or not and can be complicated if theres any blonde in it
  4. Because i know people who have and i also being the bosses daughter know, but im sure the one they do in the salon you cant have on colour hair
  5. Yes they are good, i dont think you can have it permo straightened though if you have dyed it because i was going to have mine done but i cant because its coloured
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