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Albert T Smith

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Everything posted by Albert T Smith

  1. Lazarus was the very kind donor of the book. ' A Potrait of the the Manor in the 1930 ' By M Mercer I believe Mr Mercer sang in the same church choir as myself at St Swithens when Pop Pascoe was the vicar and Mr Emmerson was the Currate. When the Vicar Mr Pascoe left St Swithens to go to Snaith, Nr Doncaster. A trip was organised and a lot of people went on coaches. I think this would be in 1945 or 46. Can anyone write their recollections of the trip? All that I can remember was being full of food for the first time in my life!! and bringing a great lot home with me!! It's must be remembered that during the war II. Food rationing was still on and we only recieved the minimum amount of food. At Snaith they lived quite a lot off the farm land. It was a great memorial outing with all the country ladies doing all they could for us. I do hope someone else can add to what I've written.
  2. One of her son's called Jack (John) daughters or daughter in law told me that Jack was living at Stocksbridge. All being well she will read this and come back to you. Jack was one of my former School class mate at Colley Sec Modern.
  3. Hope he's made a good job of the Central Heating for when I get there!!
  4. I intend the Sheffield Lending library. Unless you know one where it would be put to better use.
  5. If he is still with us. Please get any of his memorys of the job written down on the Forum.
  6. Unless we are talking about a different Wollen. Mrs Wollen lived at either 75 or 79. My next door neighbour I lived at 77. She had a son called 'John ' who I believe became a Rent Collector. He was about five years older than myself, so he's now 75 but still young enough to join us on the Forum.
  7. Sappy kindly offered to send me the book to let me have a read but someone ( unknown to many, Only the ones that he as been advised to select !! ) P.M.ed me with a kind offer of the book. When I've read it I'll let you have a read before I place it in the library for everyone to read. From my first glances I'm going to enjoty reading it.
  8. I recieved a copy of the book today from (Someone, With permission I'll gladly give the name). After I've had a read I intend to let Tatty Dumps (Hire it at £10.00 per day) whilst having a read, then donate it to the library for anyone to read. Does anyone remember Mr Darby the London and Manchester insurance agent who use to call for the inurance every week?
  9. The roads were contructed of concrete and pulmist? was inserted in the gaps between the large regangular slabs to take up, the expansion and contraction feature. I'm almost certain that German Prisoners of War did much of the New Parson Cross initial foundation work. Road, Water, Sewerage Etc They were probably billitted at Bracken Hill, Chapletown or may be Grenoside but lets hope someone can enlarge on this. Charlesworths, Boots and Malthouses (Builders) were the main constructors at the site. It would be nice if a relative of one or two ex POWs would join the thread with any stories.
  10. May I suggest that you get your memories written down, posibly using the forum to ask questions and leaving information, Some day, Some relation or interested person will be very, very pleased that you did. When,How and Where we lived fifty odd years ago is our history and it should be preserved to be read or told to the next generations.
  11. The name ' Whitham ' rings a bell and I think they lived up the crescent near to the eight foot, though that is a guess. Can you recall the number? I note your comment ' the house had a bathroom and it looked posh '. It puts things in perpective from what housing conditions were like then and now. It's not really long ago.
  12. In 1946 whilst most of the new Parson Cross was being built I went to live at 77 Holgate Crescent. Initially attending Eccelsfield Junior School then Burgoyne Road, Walkley and eventually the first ;A; stream to go through Colley Sec Modern. Did anyone on the forum live on Holgate Crescent at this time. I remember: Carters, Murphy's, Godleys, Streets.
  13. I'll let my photos be my judge. The ones who think they are perfect they are donated. The ones who don't pay for them. Cant be any fairer than that! Pop Denton - I have not forgot you. I'll be phoning.
  14. During the time I first worked at Laycocks when the DANA Clutch and Hausserman(?) Clutch were being developed, (A shifts Production then was : 16 DANA.(Tractor) and 12 Hausserman(?)(Car & Van) Clutches then, if we were lucky). Every Diaphapm Spring was tested, inspected and recorded and my Stamp (L5) went on everyone. That made sure that if they came back, I joined them in the scrap!!. I did know that the lock up sweet shop was open when the Fraser Estate was started and a lane also ran to some Allotments which eventually Laycock Engineering built on for their Garage Equipment site. (Camping Lane?). If the Shop was owned by, was part of the Laycock Sports Club or what happened to it I've often pondered. I left 120 Archer Road to live at Beauchief in 1965 when Ken Morgan, Financial Correspondent, Sheffield Morning Telegraph stood for Beauchief Ward as the Candidate for the Labour Party.
  15. I'm almost certain that Reg Pike was the Secretary of the Sports Club that is or was on Archer Road. I once won the £100.00 lottery and Reg Pike did the presentation. £100.00 was worth a lot then. ( I don't remember what my wife spent it on !!) Whilst on the subject can Anyone recall if the lock-up Sweet Shop which existed before the Frazier Road Estate was built and was next to the Sports Club, was in fact part of the Sports Club?
  16. As soon as the weather is fine, I'm going up and I'll post my photos on here. ( For all to realise ' What a marvelous photogragrapher I am '). ( tatty's cue ). Thanks for the Google earth tip and I'll do that. Looking back on days living on the Manor. We were mostly stoney broke but somehow we were happy.
  17. If I'm free tomorrow I'll be going up to have a look around. I'll take Photographs and post them so anyone can take copies as memento's. (& realise that I'm useless behind the lens!!). J. Boldock1_h. For a quickie - Is the last block of Three Houses on the left hand side, at the bottom, (School end) of Windy House Lane still standing? Visit delayed due to visibility not being clear - Probably go Thursday or when its fine next.
  18. Anyone earwigging on the side. Do you know if the Chip Shop is still open? If so. What times? I may as well have some whilstI'm there. ' Use to get Three Pence worth to share between us all, With two slices of bread about one inch thick, I was soon filled up !! '.
  19. Hauges Chip Shop was on the left hand side of Wulfric Road as it came in from City Road. Opposite where the Post Office was or still is. I don't want to take the wrong picture!! Last time I was in, I didn't get many chips, if I remember rightly!!
  20. I am going up on to the estate soon, I'll take a number of photographs and send them to you. It will let you relive memories. If anyone else wants a photograph taking whilst I'm there, let me know. So speak now or you will get Nowt.
  21. In short. Because she is five years older than me. Did you know my brother Ramond at four years older, He's Seventy four now. If Pop Denton reads this I'm phoning soon. Did you know Tatty Dumps? alias Mavis who lived on Queen Mary Road?
  22. No, my eldest sister Jean use to go across Prince of Wales Road to meet ' Mavis '. She is visiting me shortly and I'll let you know before she arrives so that you can have a natter. That's if you are the right 'Mavis'!
  23. You must remember that I was only five or six at the time. It as never affected me as I've grown older. The point which I'm now making is: 'I thought they were different because my mother told me never to go across Prince of Wales Road to see them'.
  24. Actually what has now come to my mind is:- Because my Mother would have known about the habits of the Father at the church. She always told me, not to ever to go across Prince of Wales Road. By doing so, she prevented me, at a early age, seeing the Father or what ever was his title, drunk or worse for wear. Because of this, at a very early age, I came to the conclusion,' that Catholics were different people!! '. That view lived with me for many years actually, But that is life.
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