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Everything posted by unclefester

  1. Each to there own i suppose. But in my opinion its a dump.
  2. Devonshire Green is a dump. Sheffield council spending money to spruce it all up for what? bleedin students and somalis. Can i have a choice where my council tax money is spent please rather than these hippy/narly places where a bunch of ponsy up there own a***s hang about? Bet half the lot are on the dole spending my hard earned tax on drinking trendy beer from the forum. pathetic.
  3. yes and no. i stated in a previous post the BNP were a breath of fresh air. hardly support.
  4. jeez, this forum is quite pathetic really. Have none of you PC brigade got a life? I am BLACK and if somebody calls me a BLACK person i DONT get offended. I think the PC brigade are the racists for there bloody obsession with it! Chill out!
  5. Alas, it appears the UK is finally waking up to the asylum / immigration problem. How many more years can this country carry the 'less off' people of the world until total collapse. Because that is what will happen. The BNP to me have been a breath of fresh air. Get rid of the politically correctness cause its gone way too far. And how / why is a muslim person allowed to burn the union jack in the centre of London? What on earth is going on? Seriously this country will implode soon unless something serious is done. Now roll on the PC brigade ...
  6. Those 2 scumbags deserve everything they get. They terrorised/threatened their way into peoples lives (well they USED to anyway). Not anymore and thank god. Justice FINALLY for these type of scrotes. Now the rest of the scum need clearing off the streets. Let this be an example.
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