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Everything posted by jud1255

  1. there is also the gun club / rifle range (outdoor) at thurnscoe, goldthorpe behind the dog track ,http://www.thurnscoerifleclub.co.uk/ ive not been myself i think its somewhere about 50 quid a yr im not sure. ive only just found this at rotherham so possibly in the near future will give it a try. as im in the middle of both. im looking for a ultra multi if anybody hears of one.
  2. anybody remember a group / comedy group , that had a midget called mick or mickey i THINK the group was called WILD OATS but a could be wrong, i remeber mick the midget doing a stint with a nappy on also if i rember right he played the drums , i followed them reckon about 1973 to 75. Can anybody confirm my thoughts they definatley played sheffield lanetop and barnsley
  3. now thats hat i call A COLLECTION wow lucky you
  4. thanks , yes i got plenty to go at now, ya never know it might end up as a monthly thing cos its only about an hour away. ya cant beat FRESH COD thanks again jud
  5. For you to drive it legally you have to be insured by your policy for any other car. I AM sorn not relent to my question
  6. ok thanks all , i reckon its opposite to what i thought and NOT i wanted to hear but that's life. I CANNOT DRIVE AN UNISURED VEHICLE with my fully comp ins that allows me to drive others limited to 3rd party. thanks guys
  7. it must be insured by it's owner otherwise you could park uninsured vehicles all over the place. yes i think you could be right, this makes sense to me
  8. I wonder if you could answer a query that I have, Regards car insurance. My insurance is fully comp and allows me to drive other vehicles not belonging to me, if I do drive another car not belonging to me, does that other car HAVE TO BE INSURED by its owner ?. im under the impression its NO. AM I insured to DRIVE it with my policy but not able to claim etc ?. regards the law am i covered but not covered to make a claim. cheers jud
  9. Fish @premier wholesalers and retailers of fresh n frozen food Wharncliffe Rd, Grimsby, North East Lincolnsire DN31 3QF Also on fish dock rd and cross st Grimsby Also murray st Grimsby this is the answer i was looking for, hope its also useful to others . Yes google earth is a good thing.
  10. cheers i just sent em an email
  11. i dont want to spend too much time hanging about, id rather have an address where i could go to and buy what i need.
  12. ok thanks and sorry about wrong forum , if i could move it i would .
  13. thinking of calling at grimsby next week, anybody now where to buy FRESH COD in grimsby cheap, i dont think its possible to buy fresh on the docks plus i would have to know when theyre coming in, bearing in mind im joe public not a trader. I wanna drive in buy then come straight home gonna bring a few good size cods and wat we dont use straight away we'll freeze the rest.
  14. just come back from ingoldmells and the latest thing round the vans is coloured upvc decking / handrails / balconys / balustrades. may be worth googleing. i must admit it looks very ipressive and wont rust or rot
  15. ive got chitting in my kitchen, some pentaland javelin and some charlottes , i wondered what would be the best time to actually plant them so that i have some ready @ xmas, im thinking half in the garden and half in bags that i can transfer to greenhouse when my toms n cucumbers av done, is this a good idea ? do you thiink. cheers jud ps these were bought from JBA Seed Potato Merchants.
  16. is it posible to have a fixed ip address wi talktalk, only i just seen the following ad http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=822760 and it looks like he has one. and posibly linked it to a web site. if so how and what is involved ? cheers jud
  17. cheers just altered a couple of settings, an i think its done the trick. thanks
  18. 1st thanks 4 looking, when using windows live mail and clicking links in my emails to such as ebay and facebook etc the pics will not/ dont open . but while still on the same ebay page, i copy n paste the item number in search then open it opens as normal as it should. any ideas what i may have changed ? win 7 and the old ie7 browser . again thanks 4 looking
  19. Most lightly win 7 wont support it as it dont support other things such as my hp2710 printer, yes i got it t print but the rest dont work but thats also down t hp.thats another story which is why i want a fast laptop, large screen , rs232 port and WIN XP thanks
  20. thanks m8 id rather not go down that rd wi my acer extensa 5230e n win7 as its still not gauranteed t work . no worries somet will turn up. cheers
  21. yeh, its a radio scanner with rs232 cable it worked ok on my desktop n win xp pro , but not on this lappy wi win7 and usb 2's only, thats why im lookin for an old lappy wi rs232 n xp but needs t be fast n large screen above 15" to be worthwile i forgot t say i do have usb to rs232 but win 7 dont see it
  22. ok, this is now starting to pee me off. ive just changed all security settings etc an it still only sees the header inside toshiba laptops n camcorders, accessories n service support n search then all BELOW IS BLANK. wierd when every other page works ok
  23. is this just an observation or av ya seen em on sale with ( 12 MONTH WARRANTY) sounds good t me if i can get with bigger screen
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