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Everything posted by zimplistic

  1. It's called cold reading and anyone can go and buy several books on it and teach it to themselves to make your average person 'wow'. 90% of people who visit clairvoyants are not skeptics, they're willing participants who make their jobs easier. Vague statements that apply to most people, it's all smoke and mirrors.
  2. What do they do with all their money? Years ago the Heeley festival span across 5 streets and 3 fields, it would take you 6 hours just to see what was going on in every corner. Now it's a car park and a bouncy castle.
  3. Can anyone recommend me a good diesel specialist in Sheffield that can replace injectors on my VW Golf.
  4. Good luck, I ordered a pizza that never arrived. Took me 3 month arguing with CS to get my money back. Bunch of morons.
  5. Does anyone know any decent repair shops in Sheffield? Canon want £100 and for that I may aswell bin it. Thank you.
  6. So do I, but seagulls still swoop for chips and slugs eat my rhubarb. I'm talking from personal experience. They're all the same. There, said it.
  7. I'm just talking from experience, in my blind spot out of nowhere, suddenly roaring past, wrong side of road blind bends - I could go on. Maybe it's me, who doesn't notice the 'safe' bikers.
  8. What bugs me is as a car driver, we are bombarded with "THINK BIKE" and the whole 'be courteous to bikers' pitch, but it's bikers who get so far up your ___ and stay there, it's bikers who take corners at over 100mph, it's bikers who drive into their instant death, it's bikers who drive on the wrong side of the road, it's bikers who are almost all just on the road for thrill seeking. Yes, I don't like bikers.
  9. Tut tut, it should be a 100 ticket only event with the city centre cordoned off for a nice safe event.
  10. What are the best nature spots, forests, lakes etc close to us? I feel as though haven't scratched the surface of the big green blob to the west (map below), apart from Derwent, Mam Tor, Burbage etc are there any really nice walks, off the beaten path preferably? http://i64.tinypic.com/mrg66s.jpg
  11. Does anybody know any open spaces of land (not a field) that I won't get in to trouble for accessing?
  12. Does anyone know the best place to play pool, quietly in Sheffield? Obviously a place where they charge by the hour. Thankyou. ---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 05:44 ---------- English/American tables
  13. Not really regarded as a good marketing method these days unless you've legitamately obtained their adress, ie - subscibtion newsletter email... (an intent of interest from them)
  14. Haha you can also get them from http://www.car-lashes.co.uk for £4.99
  15. Hi, I have just bought an iPhone 3GS off a friend, it is locked to Vodafone. I want to use it on 02. Can anyone tell me any way to unlock freely or cheaply? Thankyou.
  16. I wouldn't have started with letting everyone on the forum know what your idea is. There will be people who have businesses, who know exactly what to do to make this work.... Looking into 'your' idea right now.
  17. Thanks for that, Did you 'ask' the council first? Or did you build it, then a few month later they came knocking? Thanks
  18. Thankyou very much, That's the kind of response I was looking for
  19. lol - I'll just not bother. Anyone with any 'moving forward' comments rather than 'don't do it' type
  20. Hi all, I am wanting a few pointers on building a 5m x 2.5m x 3m outdoor shed I would like to build it on my back garden, How deep would the concrete base need to be? I would like it to be completely weatherproof/watertight It is 15m away from my house, would I need planning permission/build permission for this size? I don't mind digging, Has anyone built anything similar - if so, what did it cost? I appreciate any constructive help toward this, thankyou.
  21. Do you know what Public Liability Cover value is needed £1 Million or £5 million? Thanks!
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