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Billy Casper

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Posts posted by Billy Casper

  1. Ah Manchester City...The club I like to call Legoland!

    If ever there was a plastic club, this is it!

    All what is wrong with football today!


    Having said that, I expect very little return from this tie, I shall be there none the less as it's another new ground on the list.


    I believe we will field a weakened side, just incase we lose 10-0 we have a ready made excuse :hihi:

  2. Simply the best hangover cure ever :)

    Please keep saying things like that Canadablade XX


    Castleboy, both of your predictions have come off. I hope my last prediction (1-2) was wrong because I like this 0-2 score line - would like it even more if we get 3 more and get Webby's (Stella inspired) prediction. :hihi:


    Don't overdo the plastic surgery Castleboy - you'll look like The Joker from Batman. ;)


    You really shouldn't drink like that! :hihi:

    I hear the band you went to see we're a bit special? ;)

  3. Will certainly try my best.:) BTW ,nice new avator but i miss billy and his owl.


    Thought I'd put the real BC out there for a bit ;)


    Hope you can make it mate!


    ---------- Post added 16-08-2014 at 18:17 ----------


    Good luck with the gig BC.

    My young lads band is opening up for


    October 3rd :headbang::headbang::headbang:


    Cheers CB :thumbsup:


    Been a long while since we've played in hometown so really looking forward to it!


    All the best to your lad, great to see young un's still playing their stuff :thumbsup:

  4. Well Brian the Blade has just been on P or G and saying fans should stay away next week and get crowds down to 8000. Every fan wants their team to win and not to lose but for Gods sake 2 matches in.:rolleyes:


    Brian the blade is notorious for putting his foot in his mouth, usually while wearing size 12 Doc Martins!


    Not a good start, but as CB said, 44games to go!

  5. Play like that every week and a few teams will get battered,great team spirit,great work rate, play some really nice football ,happy days down at S6. WAWAW


    Have to agree Gazza, they put a good shift in today, but too many wasted chances

  6. Good morning SF''ers! Casper signing in ;)


    Another toughy!

    Thought Rotherham were very unlucky last week and did well at Derby, also us winning away at Brighton being a good result, so...I predict a 4-0 win today for the blue and white wizards :D


    Now where did I put those reality pills? :hihi:


    Another 1-0 win will do for me!

  7. Billy, what is the band name and glad to hear you have a gig in Sheff (I will try and attend) and management.


    A lad I know packed in his job to go full time with an REM trbute band, they play nearly every night of the week all over the country and it pays better than his job.


    Good luck to you with this pal (and if you need any back up guitars, I might be selling some of mine to make room!) :hihi:


    We're playing the Genting Club on Friday 22nd August.




    It'll be a cracking night and 25% going to Weston Park

    Be good to see as many Owls & Blades as possible :)

  8. Billy lad!!! good to see you posting again mate, hope all is well with you, and I hope you can chip in with the odd post here and there this season, nice to have one of the genuine ones back :thumbsup:


    Cheers Grappler! As I said to Pete (BPB) it's good to see some of the genuine lads are still posting!


    Just had enough of a lot of crap that's posted, and once you stay away it's easy to stay away!


    Been busy with stuff outside SF too, band have now been signed to full management...not bad for a tribute band eh!


    We're playing a rare hometown gig in August at the Genting Club (22nd)

    Would be nice to see a few forummers down there, 25% of all sales going to Weston Park!

  9. Yes I'm happy for the proper Owls on here


    Thank you Pete!

    You better mean me!!! :hihi:


    As it was said by someone else on here, don't post often now as it got ridiculous at times. Still nice to see the regular good Owls and Blades sticking around ;)


    Hope all's well fella



  10. Cheers billy. On this thread more wednesday fans hate rotherham than vice versa.


    Hi RizoP


    I find that hard to believe as (and this isn't meant to offend) I don't think Wednesday see Rotherham as anything but a small local club who make up part of the South Yorkshire football family.


    But some fans have very little else to do but hate 'Wendy' or 'Younited'

    It's all just footy!


    Good luck to you!

  11. Strange how football works...

    We have strived all season to avoid relegation to League one, yet Rotherham are desperate to get in there!


    I've always had a soft spot for Rotherham, personally I hope they go up.

    I knew a couple of their players from a few years back. Richard Finney, Gerry Forrest, good lads and solid pro's.


    If certain factions of their fans hate Wednesday then that's their chip to deal with, but I hope they do well.

  12. Well, it looks like its going to be a nice day for it folks ! The sunshine is here.

    Anybody know how many tickets have been sold ? Should be about 27k i would have thought.

    Looking forward to a battling / have a go performance from the Blades.

    Cup draw at 3.30, so at least we'll in the draw for the quarters.

    Lets hope for a draw against Wednesday, that should get the Lane rocking !



    It matters not, fancy Forest for a 3-0 win.

    But, I have been wrong before, no really! Lol

  13. Hiya Billy,


    Who'd have thought in 83 you'd have got to Wembley as in your 1st game versus Southend at Hillsbro you were so bad, one fan threatened to sue unless he got his money back.


    Hey I thought you were only a chabbie :hihi::hihi:


    Hey fella!


    I am only a 'chabbie' I'm 45!!! :hihi:


    ---------- Post added 09-02-2014 at 20:28 ----------


    That was the game i picked aswell billy,the other scorer was megson:)And apart from hating melia,i also hated foster after that match.[the big hairy faced,head band wearing git]


    Ah yes, Megson!

    Good night eh mate!


    Yes! As Harry Enfield's alter ego 'Stavros' called him...

    Steve Fost, Hippy Bast! :hihi:

  14. A few good memories...


    The '93 semi-final...No other semi since has created an atmosphere like Sheffield did that day!


    Burnley in Q/F replay (1983) after drawing at Turf Moor they came to Hillsborough and got well and truly tonked 5-0. I remember Andy McCulloch and Gary Shelton getting a brace a piece, other scorer might have been David Mills without having a look?


    Strangely enough the semi that year too at Highbury against Brighton. The prospect of a possible trip to Wembley for a 14 year old was too exciting to call, unfortunately we were poor that day and deserved to lose...didn't stop me wanting to shoot Jimmy Melia who ran and danced on the pitch at the end, Jimmy Case scored a cracker though that day.

  15. JJ deserved a booking minimum but it wasn't 2 footed and I have seen worse go entirely unpunished. A hefty Fine due from us for JJ at the least as that rush of blood was not necessary.

    COG was a grafter for us - hence the respect from the bulk of the crowd.

    We were fortunate to get the goal in extra stoppage time but with the red cards and subs - I do not think the ref was at all biased adding extra time to extra time (if you see what I mean) and if it hits the net before the final whistle it counts - just ask Crewe. ;)

    Am delighted with three points "at the end of the day". Who said Connor who? Crikey I think we needed a bit of quality up front today!


    'Night all. UTO!!! :)


    Accurate assessment there Potlegs!

    We are lacking badly in that final third and it is a problem, but on the other hand games like that under Jones would have probably ended in a draw or even defeat, so I'm not going to moan as we nicked the 3pts.


    One more thing...How bloody cold was it!!! :o lol

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