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Everything posted by deutsch

  1. Hi Trev, sorry but I misunderstood what you meant and i thought I'd have the book from a teenager's point of view. Thought of more people like Joyce Arnold, Stephanie Slinn, Brian Flynn, Eric Nettleton Nd davmand mentioned Pat Tuckwood. any other memories spring to mind cos I haave a few Michael
  2. Hi davmand, Been workingwhat few brain cells i have left trying to work out who you are. I remember all of the names and i was in the same class in Junior school as Mustapha and i always fancied Barbara Mosley. can't think who you are, so give me a cllue. I remember having a fight with Paul Oldfield in the first year and i can remember beating him in a mile race and as regards Monica Jones, the rest is best left unsaid. Michael
  3. I thought you might know a great deal about cricket because didn't you become a member op Yorkshire CCC Michael
  4. Did you know you're talking to me on two different threads, If you want to read the book give me your e-mail address
  5. Ah the only thing is my man characters are 14 year old girl and a 13 year old boy. i thought they would have more chance of surviving then and not now. Think about it Trev
  6. I never knew Jim Shirrt called me 'Wiggy', still you learn something every day. I was in the same classes as you up to the fourth year and then i went into 4g1 and 5g1. I've written a book about Attercliffe in 1963 and 99.7% of the population is wiped out by a Super strain of the Asian Flu. I can't find aybody to publish it though. Keep in touch Michael.
  7. So how are you and what do you do? Are you in contact with any of the others or do you know how they're getting on/ Living in Blackpool my chances of bumping into aanybody are nil. Hope you keep in touch Michael
  8. Sorry about that Trevor but when you called me 'Wiggy' it confused me to say the least. i would guess now that i'm a great deal bigger than you were at school!!! i can also remember attending your fourteenth birthday party. And as regards Ian Wilkinson I'm certain that he nicked my school scarf in the first year at Owler Lane. any other memories of a more clourful nature. Were you in 2C my memory is failing me sometimes because i can remember something concerning Helen Buckley. Michael
  9. other names, Stephanie Slinn, Judith Kettle, Linda Fisher, John Fidler, Martin Webster
  10. Forgot to tell you that 'deutsch' was a nickname from junior school. Mick
  11. hi, I remember all the names but i don't recognise yours. Michael Cooke
  12. I went to Owler Lane in 1962 and was in form Ia and form ic classroom was on the stage. 1a's classroom was used at dinnertime as the dinner room. Some of the members of ic were Jim Shirt, Ronnie Marsden Trevor Riley and others whose faces I can remember, but not the names. At Easter 1963, I moved downwards to 1c and then in the summer moved to Hinde House where I was in 2c, 3b1, 4g1 and 5g1
  13. cleegirl had a chat with my dad and he remembers the kirks and I'm pretty certain that I can remember Michael Heeley. I forgot to ask him about the spencer twins
  14. nomoney I went to the County school, so sorry I don't know any of the names. But my grandparents did live on Carbrook st, until their house was demolished sometime in the late fifties. I've just had another look at your message and Michael Heeley rings a bell. i'll check with my parents and see if they know the name
  15. cleegirl Carbrook county is the school I went to, but like I said you're a couple of years older than me
  16. jeano I lived in Steadfast st and if it's the Jervis I'm thinking of then even though I didn't know Sue, did she have three brothers called Steve, Dennis and Mick. If ou went to school im Millhouses was it Abbeydale and do ypu remember somebody called Carol Tattersall
  17. Jeano sorry but i can't remember anybody called Suckley, but I was in Mr Wilde's class. some of the people I can remember are Jim Shirt, Martin Sapcote, Linda Cutts, Susan Pearson to name but a few
  18. pdh43 sorry but I can't remember a Miss Sanderson or anybody called Womack
  19. cleegirl When you left I would be ging in the second year. Let me know if you can remember anybody younger than you. cheers
  20. bluebird62 what did happen to your bike? if i remember corecctly we were playing chicken going down the bank at the side of the canal and the idea was that we didn't brake to turn on to the path. Again if my memory is right, you were determined not to brake and you didn't!!! the result was we had to drag you out of the canal. do you know anything about Dick and Martin?
  21. Notrom Your comments about blackpool and sheffield I wholeheartedly agree with you. I would give anything to move from blackpool back to sheffield.
  22. bigkev I used to be in the same class as tony lightowler at Carbrook, but not the Cof E. If I remember correctly he passed his 11+ and went to city grammar whereas I went to owler lane
  23. juliediane If it's the same Keith Skelton I'm thinking of he will know Dick Martin, Martin Sapcote and if I remember correctly he lost his bike in the canal. sorry if it's the wrong Skelton
  24. my first love was a girl by the name of pauline middlelane, problem is i doubt very much if she will remember me
  25. hi, looking for anybody who was at the school between these years. Michael Cooke
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