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About peterfin

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  1. H.P I was still smoking on day 28, as I was putting it off(quitting) for as long as poss.So don't worry too much about when you quit just as long as you do and I'm sure you will if you keep taking the tabs. Just take one day at a time,the cravings will get less and less and easier to overcome and when you think your ready then pick a quit date and then quit.It can be done and the champix are a great help just stick with it. GOOD LUCK!!
  2. Hope your o.k. jabbers miss your posts. I've been on the champix for 6 weeks and not had a cig for the last 2 weeks and it's going well. I had felt a bit sick when taking the tabs and smoking but since I stopped the cigs I've been o.k. .Also I felt a bit spaced out at times but that has also passed ,now I just have the odd vivid dream and the odd urge for a smoke but that passes very quickly.I'm very sure that I've finished with the cigs ,Ive gone 11 months before but that was horrendous as I was going overboard with cq lozenges even to the point of sleeping with 2 in my mouth to get my nicotine fix.These champix have made it a lot easier and I'm not missing the nicotine at all. Also I'm not drinking as much tea and I've gone off fried food so my weight is not going up like it did on the lozenges. I'm a nark at the best of times and people have got on my nerves but the longer I don't smoke the more chilled out I'm getting so I hope to be "normal" some time soon.I showed this thread to my OH to let her know I'll be a bit strange for a while and so far I have been but I think I'm coming out of it now.I hopes so!! So the sickly feelings ,narkiness etc are a small price to pay to get free of the nicotine addiction so if your getting side-affects off the tabs stick with them as it will get easier and easier.It's great not to feel the need to smoke .
  3. I hope you keep postin jabbers as your posts have helped me decide to become a non smoker.Like you i've tried the lot in the past and now I've got champix ,only started them yesterday so my quit date is not until the 1st of july.I'll post how I'm getting on in the hope that it will encourage others to give them a try.By the way I got mine on the N.H.S. and so did my mum with no problems i.e. waiting lists,councilling etc. The Doc was very helpful.
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