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  1. Can I say, check the hoover bag....well at least before you use it....a lesson learned from experience.
  2. Agreed, the Jobcentre+ people have a lot of rubbish from chavs to deal with and do a great job.
  3. You could try LEAF at norwood allotments on Herries Road. They are open on Saturdays....
  4. Cost of a head gasket is minimal compared to the labour costs associated to getting a garage to fix it If you can find someone to confirm it is the problem and maybe repair for it you, you'll save a fortune over a 'proper' garage.
  5. Owdie, I've had diabetes for years and it doesn't stop me. A lot of it is common sense and not letting it rule your life. Why become a martyr to it? Forget most of the website 'advice' experts as they haven't got a clue. Can you see
  6. Is it something you're eating? quite often the body will attempt to purge itself of something which doesn't agree with it via all possible routes....have you had your urine dipped at the doctors, to make sure there's nothing going on inside which didn't show in blood tests.
  7. someone who suffered with the same, suggested taking a bath from time to time
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