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Everything posted by becksta

  1. Just been tesco eccy road ; has sign is closing at 8pm today. Has a few bit of bread not all brands though Also any one know if handsworth asda is staying open?
  2. H1 hospital bus Any idea if this is running from RHH to NGH?
  3. I get so scared trying to cross the road when I walk from thornsett road cars come speeding down out of know where. If I where I had to be wasn't at that end and I set off in better time I'd probably even walk down nr sharrow lane just to cross.
  4. Except next Friday as I'm having my greatly anticipated bi annual meeting with old friends lol x
  5. Don't worry they'll be other things I cant much after Monday until payday which is not til 30th eek although could stretch to an extra tenner with some creative accounting for a few drinks some where cheap one evening like Wetherspoons before then lol x
  6. We've arranged to meet round kelham island on a Monday for a pub quiz to get to know everyone so come along, I'd be up for future Friday night drinking used to love a few after work but since my colleagues all are over 50 this only happens with other half which as lovely as he is he's not always first choice and need space x
  7. I am the sharpest tool in the box lol didn't think to look in About Us section
  8. Anyone know if they still do nice pizzas and what day is the 2 for1? Benn years since I went tried website and google and no results. Thanks
  9. Well like I say if anyone can do a Friday evening one week or even a Saturday afternoon session then put it on here then we can all agree on a time date and preferred place, wouldn't leave it too long lifes too short not to have fun and meet new people and often things like this get put on the back burner. If anyone wants to add to Facebook to arrange then pm me for it Becks
  10. Id be up for arranging something drinks wise maybe on a friday after work at a nice central bar or pub obviously not too noisy to get to know each other; as long as everyone is talkative and not too shy lol imagine if everyone just sat there silent hehe. Becks
  11. Hi; Im in a similar situation; came to Sheffield for University but whilst I decided to stay everyone else seems to have paired off and moved away meaning I now know few people in Sheffield so social occasions are usually arranged well in advance and once every few months. My boyfriend is also in a similar situation and moved here to be with me. We are wanting to meet and socialise with those in a similar age group; we are both mid 20's (24) living in the Sharrowvale Area and both work. We enjoy films; bowling; going for drinks;pub quizzes going to gigs and even the occasional walk and picnic weather permitting. So if anyone wants to meet up and arrange something or just get to know us first send me a message; I am also on facebook but will pass details on in private message. Loooking forward to meeting some new people.
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