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Everything posted by sawguitar

  1. Hi,Smileyjiver,Morty and Blades 66,I worked at Harleston Street and at Ecclesfield. I was a young lad at the time and worked on the shop floor.I remenber some of the names you mentioned. Do you remember Fred Wheatcroft ,always smoking a pipe as i recall.Also i remember the two office girls who were very well endowed if you know what i mean. One was called Jane and the other, who always wore black was called Cheryll.
  2. Yes i remember the teachers you mentioned above .Do you also remember the evil Miss Sailes. I think everybody disliked the woman. You mentioned Michael Wilkes ,would this be the same guy who lived a few houses away from the post office on Petre Street. He was a mate of mine in the early 60s , I think he moved to Attercliff at some stage. I attended All Saints infant and junior school and after failing the 11 plus went on to the magnificient Burngreave Boys High school. By the way my brother and i lived on Edgar Street (does that ring a bell).Our mother used to work at the corner shop on Harleston Street.
  3. You are absolutely right about the location of the house. It was on the opposite side of the road to Peperdined the green-grocers.I also think their dad was a radio ham like you said. Unfortunately as i recall he did get killed in the early 60s during the very severe gales which we were having at the time. Apparently he was hit on the head by a falling chimmney pot.I felt so sorry for Mrs Braeley having to bring all those boys up on her own.
  4. Mister Freedom ,Can you remember the Gaumont cinema ,i think it was quite near the City Hall (although ime not quite sure).A gang of us went there on a Saturday morning (or was it Friday). We lived in Pitsmoor (might have been Burngreave) .We all went bell ringing (or was it choir singing).Can you remember .
  5. Regarding the Braley brothers.There were two younger brothers- John who was the youngesy and Stephen. They would be around 51/54 years old, the sams age as my brother and i.We were good mates with them. Also there was Mick Barker Jeoff Cryer, Steve & David Walmsley who all lived on Edgar Street.John Braeley also lives in the USA (Florida) as does Steven.(Boston) Do you recall anybody callecd Michaell Wilkes.They lived near the post office
  6. No i dont know what happened to stan, i was made redundant back in 1972/3 I still see Dave Cutts quite a lot in the Castle Market. By the way can you remember an old timer called Douggie Salmon i`me sad to say he passed away about a year ago.He lived just opposite me on the Firshill Estate.
  7. I remember Stan Lake ,he was the same age as me when i first started, and yes he did have a Ford Cortina.I had a clapped out Ford Anglia.My mates at that time were- Mick Nuthall, John Fountain, Dave Dollman,John Rodgers and Dave Wilde. I worked with a very nice guy called Colin Turner.I hope he is still alive.Can you remember Fat- Wilf and his brother who we nicknamed Nat-neck Those were the good old days.
  8. Dear Smileyjiver, thanks for the reply.I started work at Moorwoods around 1969- 1970 I was 16 at the time. My first job was in the tool room which i didnt particulary like, we were still at Harleston Street. The works manager at the time was Mr Rudd. I left for a short time and returned to work on the assembly section on the lower floor. The foreman was a guy called Len Fisher (ime sure you will remember him).The only Cal i know was a guy called Cal Galsthorpe who worked in the same office as Len Fisher Can You remember any of the apprentices who worked there.I was one of them.
  9. hi Mr Double, I,me not sure that steve kakmarcek was the younger brother of robert and roy (laddy) kazmarcek.they must be about 51-53 years old.We (the Walmsley family) lived on edgar street ,the one below Petre Street
  10. Hi Arthur, As i said before we were brought up as kids on Edgar Street which was in the same area as Sutherland Road. Unfortunately we did not have any relatives who lived there. My grandparents lived on Canada Street. Thank You Steve.
  11. Steve ,remember the time we all had pellet guns and would go down to Attercliff and shoot at small fish under the bribge.
  12. Hi Mister Freedom,Can you remember the Gaumount Cinema, i think it was in barkers pool near the city hall. When we were kids we used to go to the Saturday morning kids club. Our gang used to make for the first row so that we could climb over the front barrier and lark around.Were you in our gang. Can you remember the Sackville brothers. I cant?
  13. Hi John,Remember when you and i were members of the Sheffield photographic society.I had a Nikon FE and you had just bought a CANNON. You used to drop me of in town in your MGB GT. Are you still into photography ?.Nice to know your doing well with your film company.Still into martial arts i see .Can you remember old Phill Milner who used to teach karate at the YMCA .
  14. Yes Mister Freedom I too remember those days very well.Remember the time Stephen Braeley put beetroot in Alans shoe on April the 1st. And the three bells trick Stephen brought back from Jimmys joke shop.(nobody could ever guess what hand the bell was in).Can you also remember the time we nicked those planks of timber from C&R Walls on Petre Street and made that trolly that could seat about 5 lads.
  15. Dear Mister Freedom,Iwent to the Merry England every Friday night -sometimes, and cant remember you . Are you called Johnny Frogatt
  16. Dear John,- Sorry Sackville ,yes i still am a very keen fan of the Beatles,but will you please answer my previos question.
  17. Dear Mister Sackvill,I remember those days very well, you must have been one of our "gang".Remember when we would go to Collins second hand shop at the end of Petre Street to buy the American comics.Ime sure you remember it well.Were you with us when we went bell ringing at All SAints Church.The time Jeoff Cryer messed his pants and had to go home .
  18. Does anyone remember working at Moorwood-Vulcan on Harleston Street ,Late 60s to early 70s
  19. Dear Linda,I only knew David Kettle. We were both in the same class at school - Burngreave Boys School .I think he had an elder brother .Dont know if he had a sister or not.Thanks For The Reply.Steve Walmsley.
  20. hi skippy, glad someone can remember this side of pitsmoor.Iwas 6years old in 1958 and cant remember anyone getting killed in Gillotts bakery but i do remember a lad called spud hammond falling through the roof,fortunately he was not too badly hurt.Regarding the Collesium picture house it did not become a supermarket but was a filling station.Now its just a empty piece of land(how sad).Keep in touch.Adois.
  21. I lived at the other side of pitsmoor,,the street below Petre Street,Edgar -street it was called can any body remember it .I attended Burngreave boys in the 60s and remember Ted Robinson,Stephen Clarke John & trevor Stephenson ,Joseph Mish, Mick Timbrell,David Kettle and many more.Can any body remember the Brealey family who lived on Lyons street also Geoff Cryer,Mick Barker,Steve Walmsley Bob Allen. Let me know will Ya.Thanks
  22. Pressy (shaun).Being a new member the system wont allow me to reply to messages until i have more than 5 threads.Anyhow, we lived at No 17 edgar street,My parents June&Charlie ,my brother David, and me Stephen.We lived there from about 1955-until the houses were demolished.My mother used to work at the corner shop at the junction of Edgar street and Harleston street- Mortons it was called.I used to work there after school working in the cellar and filling the shelves when they were empty.
  23. hi, i didnt say i attended Burngreave Boys between 1972-1975. I started there about 1963 or 1964.Other guys in my year were Mick Barker,Geoff Cryer, The Stephenson Brothers ,Jimmy Gant,Mick Liversage, Les Guest,Steve Clarke,Stephen Fletcher,Lou Morris Bill Mayres,Stephen Cerone,and many,many more.
  24. I too went to all saints infants and junior school then on to Burngreave boys I am called Steve Walmsley can you remember me . I was brought up on Edgar street with my brother David.I had a so called mate calledTerry -Edwards (Eddy) who was a bully at school ,he went on to be a petty criminal. I remember the teachers names vividly and the good & bad times i had
  25. hi carlwarker,it was indeed called MERRY ENGLAND.My mates and i were regular visitors there in the early 70s .Almost every Friday and Saturdays we would go.There would be a big gang of us and we would occupy almost all of the tables along the far wall(opposite side to wherethe bar was).I can honestly say that was the best time of my life.
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