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Posts posted by lazarus

  1. 30 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

    But you are only thinking of those who are scared like yourself. 

    You aren't thinking of the exempt or those who choose not to wear an ineffective face cover. 

    Yes I’m scared, I’m scared of dying, I’m scared of my loved ones dying but according to your way of thinking, some of the exempt people are not really ill they just don’t want to conform and what’s the alternative  not wear ineffective face masks, no mask and risk catching covid or spreading it.

  2. The new rules for covid due to start on Tuesday is the right thing to do BUT why can’t people do what they are asked and wear a mask while shopping or travelling?  I’ve heard the excuse “ I’ve got asthma” I have that and it’s no problem for me to wear a mask for half an hour or so in each shop or while travelling, it’s just the people who just don’t want to do as they are asked for all our sakes.

  3. We always had a cat and a dog when I was a child in the 40s and 50s , never bought food for them, they had to be content with scraps from the table or in the cats case it killed what it had to, there was never any horrible sloppy dog crap anywhere, it usually looked all white droppings as most dogs just had bones given to them which they loved, they didn’t seem to be always ill, our dogs never saw a vet they all died of old age, I know it sounds daft but we let them out in a morning and they just ran free till they decided to come home. My dad used to get dogs from the dogs home on Spring Street, I do know the last one he bought cost half a crown, twelve and a half pence In today’s money, no ridiculous prices for horrible vicious things.

    I love dogs and cats but now I’m older the cost of a dog is just crazy, vets fees sky high, injections for this, injections for that. 

  4. Rafiq getting  upset by the abbreviation of Pakistani , I wonder if he gets upset by the Asian families that murder their daughters because they want to live their own lives, racism can be experienced by going on London Road and seeing the Asian youths doing and saying much worse than using an abbreviation.

    If the P*** term is racist does that mean the phrase Brit falls into the same racist category?

  5. I’m afraid in my eyes all this so called racist talk will be never ending, black pudding, black looks, blackmail, white faced, white lies etc, the list can be twisted to suit, just how can getting dressed as a Indian, Chinese up for a fancy dress party. It’s the wokes  that’s stirring the pot, you read in papers every day about immigrants being treated badly and in my case trying to show the other side of the coin, nobody wants to know especially the Sheffield Star, but then again I’m white.

  6. 42 minutes ago, bassett one said:

    IN MY MIND my vote goes to chesterfield its top class,been today packed,great atmosphere ,happy people ,great prices,i think sheffield need to pinch some of there  ideas ,in my opinion,what do other folk think?

    We used to have one didn’t we, but again the stupid council struck, it was removed and for years after that its footprint was just a car park.

  7. Why is it that the people who matter are always overlooked? the workers who spend their entire working life with one employer, they gave or give loyalty from the very first day on the job, some worked in atrocious conditions but they carried on, I do realise that people have to be nominated for an award but why do the majority have to be from the entertainment industry, Mary Berry getting an award is just a joke, “ services to cooking” ??, I doubt very much she had to be at her workplace at five or six o’clock in the morning, my mother had to be at work at six a.m. six days a week, one winter the snow was so bad the buses and trams stopped running and she walked to work from the Manor Estate to Woodseats, my Mrs and I walked to Ecclesfield a couple of times due to icy weather.

  8. 15 hours ago, nikki-red said:

    Genuine question, how much would it cost to send a cooker from the UK to Africa? 
    Why go to that trouble and expense when they could just sell it here? 

    A fellow Congolese picks up parcels and packages from families all over Sheffield and I surmise they are put in a shipping container and sent on their merry way, the send broken TVs , broken cycles , beds, clothes, shoes anything they can scrounge out of bins is parcelled up and sent to be sold on in The Congo and when I say “ parcel “ I mean they are around five feet tall and around ten feet in circumference, I do have photos.

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