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Everything posted by Classics

  1. Our Aygo needs yet ANOTHER new clutch so decided to look into the possibility of buying the kit myself then having it fitted professionally (that way I know I'm having quality parts fitted and the new yaris clutch that Toyota apparently quietly started fitting to new Aygos as they realised the original one was hopeless!). I've sourced a LUK clutch kit on the 'net for a fantastic £106 but, as I'm a phyllis stein when it comes to cars and DIY I am looking for recommendations as to where to have it fitted reliably and at a decent price. Preferably Chapeltown/S35 area. TIA!
  2. Like I said before, I'm agnostic on these things - I'm open to being convinced either way but unlike many on here I don't just take what our leaders tell us as gospel without checking it out first. We all know politicians (like lawyers) are effectively career liars so I don't think it's a bad thing to be cynical about the news we are fed these days. One thing troubles me about these momentous occasions - cctv seems to have a habit of playing up at the time they happen. Whether it's a tunnel in Paris or a tunnel/street/station in London or a petrol station across the road from the Pentagon, at the very moment you want it to be reliable it isn't. It is weird, isn't it? But then that poor old thug Joey Barton gets popped up and treats some bloke's head as a punching bag outside a boozer and would you believe it the cctv works perfectly... Just saying...
  3. You remind me of Alf Garnett - his theory was that as there were more unemployed people in Liverpool than in London, and Liverpool were more successful than his beloved West Ham it wasn't fair as it was the Government who were paying for the Liverpool season tickets (and success) indirectly!!
  4. You did absolutely the right thing, OP, even if the old dear was an ungrateful cow. But to be fair she could have been in shock. Many years ago when I was about 20 I was running my girlfriend home and driving past Wadsley Bridge Club when I saw a bloke punching the hell out of a woman so I stopped the car, went up behind him and tried to restrain (he was in his 30s I would say and bigger than I was at the time and he was blotto). What happened next came as a massive shock - the woman came up behind me as I was wrestling with the bloke and started punching me in the back of the head! WTF? My girlfriend then got out of the car to help me and managed to get the woman off and she ended up on the floor screaming abuse and threatening to call the police and get us done for assault!! We later found out they were married and this was a regular thing for them. Unbelievable.
  5. Interesting read, this thread. I'm 'agnostic' on the whole thing tbh. But had to pick up on this post. How can 'facts' be 'irrefutable' if no evidence exists?
  6. No idea if true but my son's mate has just told him there was a shooting? Like I say, no idea if true but he's not the sort who would make stuff up (but I can't vouch for the person who told him, obviously).......genuinely hope it's not right.
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