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Posts posted by 7hills

  1. Does anyone know of any sites I can view free wordpress themes designed for photographers, im after something with a full screen theme?


    I have recently been using Wix, which was ok - but ive always wanted to have a go at a Wordpress site. But I would like to use a free theme to start off with.


    Yes i have googled this and there are thousands, but I just wanted to know if anyone has any links to Photography specific themes, or suggestions?



  2. i've just signed up to VM. booked at instalation for the friday as suggested by the sales woman on the phone, took the day off work, waited in all day, decided to call them at 4pm to make sure they were coming, at that point i found out that the appointment was actually booked for the following tuesday?? and the reason being is because i had changed the date?? which of course i didnt, i also had a letter stating they would be coming on that day. I asked if i could make a complaint......they transferred me through to the credit card sales line.........enough said.


    since it has been installed we havent had any problems yet. The service is great, the customer service is the worst i have ever experienced.

  3. Has anyone used Costco for photo printing? I read an article last week about an American wedding photographer who uses Costco for all their prints as the machine is top of the range. I have seen our Sheffield branch does photos at a very low cost but wondered what the quality is like?

  4. I have just come back from Amsterdam and we went to this place




    We often take our 18month old daughter to indoor play areas. This was by far the best one we have ever visited - it was big, had something for everyone and wasnt charged by the hour.


    Amsterdam has a project converting old unused areas into creative spaces, a fantasic idea! if only we could have something more likle this.



  5. I was in Harrisons Camera shop yesterday and they are just about to introduce beginner courses, i think they are looking to start in next month or so with a maximum of 8 at one time.

    I'm not sure on prices, but might be worth giving them a ring. 0114 2760002.


    On a seperate subject, i didnt realise how big an impact the Tsunami in Thailand has had on production, Harrisons had hardly any camera models in to showcase.


    Thailand or Japan? either way it has had a major impact - i see more shops selling reconditioned camera bodies than new! It has had a real impact on production for Canon and Nikon.

  6. Don't sound like student accommodation:


    Onslow Road


    Another cool development of just 6 properties close to Endcliffe Park is now on site... 3 terraced houses and 3 New York style Warehouse units refurbished into an urban style for those wanting something a little bit different...



    From the Coda web site.



    The New York style properties look pretty good - i wonder how much they will go on the market for?

  7. I took the plunge and bought one yesterday. Looking at the prices for a second hand one on ebay and buying a brand new one there was only a £20 difference?? So you are right they really do hold value really well. Ive heard about some of the issues with these lenses so I will test for these problems as soon as it arrives.


    But I would like to see that hi-res image anyway! Thanks

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