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Everything posted by hollifer77

  1. Hello all, I'm hoping someone on here can help me out. I am getting married at Whirlowbrook Hall next May. After the Wedding me and my new hubbie along with quite a few of our friends and family will be staying at a hotel (or various hotels depending on budgets) in the city centre. If our budget allows I would like to put on a coach after our reception (around midnight) to take people from Whirlowbrook to the city centre. Obviously I can search for coach hire places but there is nothing like a Sheffield Forum recommendation. Does anyone have any experience of any Sheffield coach hire firms? or would anyone like to volunteer their services? I'd be very keen to get some idea of prices for around a 50 seater for the 5 mile trip. Looking forward to hearing any suggestions. Thank you in advance.
  2. I went along last night and was really disappointed. Many of the local residents were very concerned about the traffic and Tesco's main argument was that it wouldn't be as bad as if light industrial units were built on the land. Anyone who lives in the area and knows Oxclose Park Road and Eckington Way will know that it's a nightmare at peak hours. 500 car parking spaces worth of traffic added to this on a Saturday morning will be a total disaster - it will back out on to the main road. Tesco claim that the 24 hour nature of the supermarket will ease traffic but I think they are kidding themselves. The residents of the Oxclose Estate have enough problems getting on and off the estate now without adding to it. Tesco state that light industrial use would make traffic worse but many of the local residents felt like this would be preferrable to a Tesco because at least there would be quiet times outside of the peak hours. And the new park that is being built will be right next to the proposed new road and in the shadow of a supermarket - not exactly what many had imagined. The proposed green space is laughable. Tesco are planning the store slap bang in the middle of the plot - effectively disturbing the whole lot. The green space they are not developing are the steeply contoured bits around the outside and the badger sett that they seemed disappointed they could not destroy. The wildlife corridor they speak of is a couple of meters wide around the perimeter of the store and not wide enough for any sustainable habitat - I'm sure the local wildlife will be really grateful that you thought of them! Why not develop the store over to one side of the plot and leave a reasonable size plot of green space that is actually usable if you are going to make the claim about protecting the area! When I initally heard it was going to be an eco store then I started to feel better about the development and thought that they might actually have thought about the local environment but there was nothing eco about it. Tesco's main arguments are 1. It gives people choice - We have plenty already 2. Gives residents access to a new bus route - We already have good access to plenty of public transport 3. Creates 450 jobs - Not many of these are permanent or full time so it's nowhere as good as it may sound 4. Protecting 6 acres of green space - this is a joke 5. It's better than light industrial or residential development on the same site - many people disagree There was a guy there last night from Sigma Planning to talk people through the new plans - his name was Chris Hough. He was rude, confrontational and upset many of the local residents last night. If Tesco are trying to get the local community on board then they really shouldn't let this guy talk on their behalf - I for one will be making a complaint. It wasn't community engagement it was community enragement. I for one will be making sure the local council know my views and I'm sure I won't be the only one.
  3. From the Sheffield Star website: 'New Tesco 'eco store' plan in Sheffield. Tesco claims the latest proposal will bring 450 jobs to Sheffield. The blueprints for the Halfway store, which are on display tomorrow and Friday, include a number of features the company claim will make it environmentally friendly. Plans include wind catchers, rainwater harvesting and rooflight windows that promote natural light. Tesco says more than six acres, half the proposed site, will be retained as green field space, part of which will be set aside as a habitat zone and wildlife corridor, to help protect wildlife. Other initiatives include planting new hedgerow and retaining the elder trees. Matthew Magee, from Tesco, said: "This project promises an investment boost to the Halfway area through the creation of 450 jobs as well as providing several positive initiatives for the ecology and natural environment. "This part of the city needs a wider choice of supermarket shopping and we look forward to talking with residents to work up the best proposal for the area." The plans will go on display at Halfway Elderly People's Club on James Walton Court off Station Road tomorrow from 4pm until 8pm and on Friday between 10am and 2pm. The public exhibition will provide detailed information on the proposals and allow residents to give their views on the plans.' This sounds better than I had originally feared but I'll be going along tonight to get the full details. At least they recognise that there is some wildlife on the site worth protecting.
  4. There is loads of protected wildlife on that land too - badgers, harvest mice, great crested newts and plants. It was proposed as a local nature reserve at one time. Tesco shouldn't be allowed to build on this land! The land is still owned by Hallam Land Management who are part of Henry Boot and on their website it says: 'Oxclose Park, Halfway Negotiations are on going with a national supermarket operator for the sale of this land.' http://www.hallamland.co.uk/projects-sites/index.html?region=2 The deal isn't done yet so I'll be going along to the exhibition to make life difficult for them!
  5. If anyone has any more information about what the letter said I'd be really grateful to know. I'm looking at buying a house near there and it would be good to know if there is going to be a supermarket outside my window! I'll go along to the presentation on Thursday but if anyone has any more information before then please post it. Many thanks
  6. Sounds like Bolsover may not be the best choice! I like Barlborough but the houses are pretty expensive for what you get. I've started looking a bit closer to Chesterfield now so would still appreciate any input. Thanks for all of your advice so far, it's really helpful.
  7. I know it's a bit out of the Sheffield area but I need some help. I currently live in Sheffield and love it but now work in Nottingham and the commute is killing me. It's a great job otherwise I wouldn't be looking to leave! I'm hoping to move just a little bit further south and close to the motorway. My other half works in Doncaster so we have to find somewhere in the middle! I've been looking at areas like Barlborough, Clowne and Bolsover and they all look ok but there is also the Chesterfield side of the motorway - Brimington, Calow, Hady Hill. Does anyone know anything about these areas and what they are like?
  8. Is it wrong that i really don't want to see this film at the moment because of all the hype!
  9. I know it's a bit out of the Sheffield patch but does anyone know what Bolsover is like? I'm thinking about moving a bit further south and it looks like a nice place but I was hoping for some inside info.
  10. Hello all, I was just wondering if anyone knew of any allotments in Aston (S26) and if they might have any available?
  11. I'm after some advice. I'm looking to move around Jn 30 of the M1 and was wondering what the areas around here were like. I'm looking at Renishaw, Barlborough, Clowne, Eckington or close by, does anyone know what these areas are like? I'm looking for a 3 or 4 bedroom house with a garden, around £210K in an area that isn't too far from Sheffield but that has good links to the M1 for travelling to Nottingham. I've had a look on rightmove.co.uk and there seems to be houses like this so I'm really after a bit of advice about the area itself. I'd love it if I can find a house that is a short walk from a decent pub (would be great if it did food for the odd night out!), if there are any parks in the area for my boyfriends kids then that would be a bonus. All opinions gratefully received.
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