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Everything posted by emujuice

  1. Hi all, I was hoping to find a list of shops on here that we could go round to look for our baby stuff. We actually don't need too much, as we're lucky enough to be given a lot. But having waited so long for this baby I'm keen to at least look!! We've been avoiding thinking about it till I'm 28 weeks after a loss, but now we're almost at that magic date and I can't wait to try out prams! I thought we could start a list, which includes location and any useful info. Having not looked yet all I know of is: Babies 'r' Us - Meadowhall Retail Park = probably expensive, but vouchers and coupon are common.
  2. Can't wait for this! Last time was awesome! Skatey fun times!
  3. Sorry if this turns into a long post, I'm going to try and keep it factual rather than emotional, despite how I'm feeling. I'm wondering if anyone in Sheffield has been a surrogate or had a child through surrogacy? Apparently very few babies are born through surrogacy each year in the UK (around 50-100), and I don't know anyone personally, or through my extended network, who's experienced it (from either side). I know there are organisations that have forums and support for surrogacy, but I was wondering about doing it in Sheffield specifically. Our much longed for baby was stillborn recently, and the likelihood is that further pregnancies would end the same way. He was conceived through IVF, and we're lucky enough to still have 4 frozen embryos (our son's 'twins'). We've considered adoption for many years, but decided to keep trying with IVF, and although we were blessed to get pregnant, it wasn't to be. I don't feel ready to move to adoption while we still have some embryos on ice (our little frosties). Surrogacy is a potential way forward. Our son was perfect, but my body let him down. Potentially our little frosties have a good chance in another woman's body. Jessops ACU are fantastic, we've had some counselling with them as we wanted to be egg donors (I still will be one day, but our last IVF cycle didn't give us enough eggs to be allowed to share), and I suspect they'd be supportive of surrogacy as they believe strongly in gamete sharing, but it's not really clear. Has anyone been involved in surrogacy at Jessops? Or CARE Sheffield? Thank you in advance for your replies. I will talk to them directly of course, but sometimes these things need to be heard first hand.
  4. Well done foxy - it's looking much better already. I've just moved into the area (Low Road) 2 months ago and just getting to grips with my own garden, but it's pretty small (but was pretty unloved). I'm not sure I've got much spare time to come and help at the moment, but I'll do my best. I'm busy propagating plants (pinched from family and friends) - will you be wanting my spares when I've run out of room for them? I also went mad buying seeds from woolworths (all suttons ones are 60p at the moment - in town, not hillsbro) - so I could donate a mixture of those. When are you next going down - perhaps you could keep posting days/times on here? I might be able to come down monday...
  5. Hi all, I think quite a few people (like my aunt - and possibly me, although the fine hasn't arrived yet I'm expecting on) will have been fined after seeing sex and the city on the opening night, as the cinema was full and lots parked in the retail park. Are there any updates from the people who have ignored the fines from the retail park? I'd really appreciate knowing what the outcome has been. I'll certainly be avoiding the retail park in future, especially as I'd been shopping there before I went to the cinema, something I do frequently. I'll now not want to do that and they'll lose custom. Very stupid really!
  6. Mr Blanksby of Stocksbridge Junior School. Retired around 1991 and had been there for a long time, so I'm sure a favourite with many others. A great teacher who inspired me to become what I am today (thanks!). He's still on touch with most of my class (the final one 1987-1991) and sends a lot of us a Christmas card. Top teacher
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