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  1. Thanks topflat29 Emailed Jeffrey but as yet no reply.
  2. 61 years left. Ground rent started at £50 but rising to £200. Paid £145 this year included the ludicrous £45 'insurance check'
  3. Thanks geared. They will have been in their property 2yrs at the beginning of December. I believe this is the required milestone to be able to make the purchase. Can work be started now? Should I just contact Jeffrey?
  4. Hi, after some advice please. Elderly parents in law are in a leasehold property and they would like to purchase, I believe the Freehold Reversion? The ground rent is paid to Coppen Estates. Hoping someone on here can advise the process and hopefully even be interested to help with this (assuming qualified to do so). Thanks in advance.
  5. Can anyone recommend someone for a CCTV drain survey and what the cost for this might be? Thanks in advance
  6. Hi, we have a 25 year old house with a downstairs w/c and have a drainage question. The toilet waste pipe goes under the floorboards and into a bend. This then disappears under the concrete garage floor and down the drive. The separate sink has a waste pipe that goes out of the side of the house and into a drain with a plastic grill over it. This then follows a drain along the side of the house and again down the drive towards the road. My question is will the toilet and the sink wastes discharge into the same sewer in the road or could the sink waste discharge into the same drain as surface water from the gutter - I'm presuming not as the sink water could contain cleaning chemicals etc. ?
  7. Sorry for misunderstanding my own post but where did I say that ? I wrote.... If I operate the thermostat on the cylinder so the 3 way valve closes off the HW circuit, the noise subsides and then starts again when you turn the stat up to re-open the valve. So when using the HW side of things whether it is with or without CH it makes the pump noisier. Apologies if my original description was unclear.
  8. Hi there just after some thoughts on a heating / hot water problem we have. Install is a conventional boiler with vented cylinder. Boiler is only 4 yrs old and seemes to be functioning correctly and is fittted with a magnetic filter. Central heating and hot water both appear to work OK however............. When just the CH comes on, pump and associated pipework is fine with no undue noises just the usual pump running noise. When the HW is operating on it's own it is a completely different matter. Pump and pipework very, very noisy (sounds like cavitation or similar). It is so bad it wakes you in a morning as the HW comes on at 06:30, before the central heating. If I operate the thermostat on the cylinder so the 3 way valve closes off the HW circuit, the noise subsides and then starts again when you turn the stat up to re-open the valve. It is definitely only linked to the HW side of things. Again if just the HW is heating up and the CH is turned off, all you can hear is the noise from the airing cupboard (which is situated right next to the master bedroom :mad:). Many thanks in advance.
  9. Tank already on 'stilts'. How much further do you suggest or is it a case of as high as is reasonably practical ?
  10. Hi Just wondered if anyone on here has recently replaced a traditional gravity fed hot water system with an unvented cylinder to boost hot water pressure. What is 'ballpark' cost for this where current cylinder is in airing cupboard and header tanks in loft space directly above ? Alternatively anyone fitted a pump to boost the hot water and have any recommendations on installers ? Thanks
  11. Bought a house where we knew downstairs toilet was broken. Previous owner sold house at right money so we planned to fix it. Had a look today, removed bung from waste (put by previous owner) and tried running hose down it. Eventually it backed up. Tried drain rod down and after approx 1.5m you come up against a hard stop where i guess the pipe changes direction. Outside the house there is no visible inspection cover so dug down. There is no sign of the waste coming through the wall but there is a drain which the sink in the toilet runs to so i am hoping this is foul water. Any suggestions.on how to proceed here. I see two options - forget original waste pipe and install new pipe teeing into foul water waste i have unearthed or run new waste from toilet under utility floor to bathroom soil stack on rear wall of property. This run is approx 4m. Any thoughts and anyone interested in job ? Thanks
  12. Looking in a different direction now and probably going to forget the idea of the wraparound extension now. Thinking of just going with the maximum permissible extension size (without planning) onto the kitchen/dining room at the rear and then knocking out wall between kitchen/dining room. Then looking at converting back third of garage into utility and downstairs wc. ---------- Post added 18-04-2017 at 17:59 ---------- My head is in a complete spin regarding this work. At the back of my mind I keep thinking is it sensible to rewire the existing house and replace the central heating system during our 2 week summer holiday (house empty). Could the electrician and heating engineer then make the system easily extendable to take into account the future extension ? Thanks in advance for advice again
  13. Hi James, got your PM but couldn't reply due to being a newbie on here and not posting enough yet. Wanted to send you a drawing as an idea just to try and understand budget needs.
  14. Thanks Dan. Regarding the roof we want to extend at the back and form a wraparound extension to include the garage. Pitched roof would look much nicer.
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