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Everything posted by SheffFilmStu

  1. Firstly I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I'm new here. I'm currently studying a Film Studies degree at Sheffield Hallam University and for my dissertation I'm doing a research study on 12A films and how parents feel about content within films with the certificate. To help me complete my research I've created a survey and I need as many parents as possible to complete it over the next two weeks. Ideally only parents who have children under 14 years old, and who have an interest in films/take their kids to the cinema. I'd be indebted to everyone who fills the survey out as I know just how boring they can be. It is completely anonymous and It should only take about 10-15 minutes and I've tried to put as many images and short clips in there to make it as interesting as possible. It should be noted that the survey does contain strong language, discriminatory language and nudity, but everything included is from 12A films. The link to the survey is: http://goo.gl/forms/dxpqzP8WWU If anyone has any questions/comments or concerns then feel free to let me know and I'll try and answer them the best I can.
  2. They're nice as a bit of nostalgia but what's the point?
  3. I have to agree with Amy, such a great documentary.
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