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About cocopops99

  • Birthday 20/01/1968

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  1. Any bonfire night celebrations happening in Sheffield for this weekend does anyone know of? Details preferably for North Sheffield
  2. thanks for the response, its packed with full frames - honey etc and he did add another super after your last post, but we tried to look into it again this last weekend and its absolutely jam packed with full frames and honey etc. he could probably do with some practical help from someone thats got experience of bee keeping but unsure where to get that? Have you any more ideas? Its not been properly opened up for some months i think?
  3. Some advice required for a friend that isn't that experienced as yet with the bee keeping. There are a lot of bees in one hive - does he extend it upwards or split it off? Any advice/practical help from a fellow bee keeper appreciated, the bees are in his garden.
  4. thanks for this , useful as we have rescheduled and i need ideas
  5. thanks , this is helpful 👍, just a quick query, where is New era square? that is looking like the best bet, is it a take away or restaurant?
  6. Ny mate who is vegan, is staying over in March 2023 and i wondered if anyone knows of some good vegan eateries - cafes or restaurants preferably open on a Monday .Im a little out of touch on this
  7. Any recommendations what can plant in winter on alotment other than winter onions?
  8. Anyone know what has occured this evening Middlewood area. I saw 2 police cars and an ambulance opposite Stockarth Lane - Langett Rd South tonight at 2230hrs on the way home from work,
  9. if you pm me i can give you details of who we use umiumi
  10. Anyone know of any classes being run this Autumn/Winter in Sheffield or Rotherham? If so, details appreciated
  11. Thanks for reply, not heard of alotments office, have you contact details for them please.
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