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Everything posted by Cellador

  1. Hi all. My boyfriend really wants a Wii for xmas - is there any chance I'll be able to get him one from anywhere and if so where?
  2. I can't believe no-one's yet mentioned that monstrosity in the Peace Gardens that was built at the same time as the Macdonald hotel! It totally spoils the peace garden - ugly, boring, square, cheap and nasty looking and totally lacking any architectural merit. I like the new sinclair building on West St as well - and hate the new student medical centre/chemist also on West St
  3. Why oh why do the council do this? It completely baffles me - surely it makes congestion worse and is bad for the environment because journeys take so much longer? Not to mention all the additional time spent lost. The only reason I can think is they want to make driving a car so unpleasant that people are forced onto public transport. I'm going to be totally honest and admit that I ignore loads of the road signs now whilst driving in Sheffield... For example I'm one of those drivers that always uses the bus lane to approach Brook Hill R/about on the road that comes down from Walkley.
  4. Thanks Scoop - we'll definitely be going there. Have to ask - what are their puddings like? My bro's got the sweetest tooth I know! And do we need to book a table or can we just rock up?
  5. No need for there to be kids entertainment especially, more a welcoming atmosphere and a simple menu. Uncle Sams is a great idea!!!! I've never been there but I know it's the sort of place my brother would love as well - it's a steaks / ribs / burgers kinda place isn't it?
  6. Hello! My brother is visiting this weekend and bringing his two daughters with him - aged 3 & 4. Can anyone recommend somewhere good for us to go to dinner early on Saturday evening? Is it possible to go somewhere where the food is great and kids are welcome/catered for?! I live in Crookes but have a car and can travel. Cheers for any suggestions
  7. Ooooh, a christmas market sounds fab! I'll have a scoot around the internet, see if I can find details of any on that weekend. Unless any forummers know of one nearish to the Moorland pub? I don't really want to drive more than half an hour because the girls will have driven up from London so probably won't enjoy spending lots more time in a car once they get here!
  8. Thanks everyone ! Is the Moorland's pub worth a visit? What's the grub like? And call me daft but is the swimming pool cafe in Hathersage actually a swimming pool?!
  9. Hello! My brother coming to visit me for the weekend 24th - 26 Nov and bringing my two adorable nieces with him. They're aged 2 and 4 (nearly 5). My knowledge of things to do or places to visit with children in Sheffield is precisely zero! So - any suggestions? What parks are fab for little kids? I live in Crookes but have a car so distance is no problem. Is there anything great for adults and little tots in the Peaks? (I did do a search by the way but only found stuff about parent & todler groups, which aren't really suitable.) Any suggestions greatly recieved!!! Cheers
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