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Everything posted by Fugasada

  1. Yeah it's a bit weird that we can't get any straight answers - I understand if there is some kind of ongoing legal investigation then it may have to be kept private for now, but surely it's pretty straightforward to explain why the original post was actually removed.
  2. Was the misinformation that the animals had been seized by the RSPCA, or was it about the comments claiming that the animals were kept in poor conditions?
  3. I'm looking for a decent, friendly gym in Sheffield that allows you to pay as you train (preferably under a fiver a go!) Any suggestions? From googling, I can only find Max Fitness in Walkley, so if anyone has any opinions on there that would be great too!
  4. Can anyone recommend a good vet that is particularly good with small/exotic animals? I recently got a lovely Syrian hamster, and although nothing is wrong, I would like to have a name and number to go to if required. I've had bad experiences in the past with vets and small animals (gerbil and rabbit), so I want to make sure I go to someone who has a specific interest in them. Thanks!
  5. Thanks all, I've now got phone and email details for Anne
  6. I'm hoping to get a Syrian hamster in the next couple of months- does anyone have details of a good local breeder? I've done a bit of research and the name Anne Dray seems to come up a lot, but I can't find any contact info or whether they are still an active breeder. Any information would be really helpful!
  7. I'm currently considering a change of career, and trying to find information on how I might go about it. At the minute i work in a completely unrelated job, but my passion has always been animals and I regret not following this path earlier. I spend my spare time volunteering with shelter dogs, and looking after/walking people's dogs for them. I'd like to get into dog training in the support field, and gave been looking at Guide Dogs and of course Support Dogs here in Sheffield. Does anyone know how I would get some experience in this to see if it is for me (even just with dog training in general)? I've looked at volunteering opportunities, but they tend to be around fundraising or fostering (which I can't do). Is there any way to get the chance to see how these dogs are trained, before I jump into getting qualifications?
  8. Thanks, but I'm trying to avoid buying privately. I want to get a good finance deal and also hopefully a bit of a warranty, while avoiding insurance hassle around test drives.
  9. I have recently passed my driving test, and want to get my first car. I want something decent (i.e. not a rust bucket), but my budget is likely to be around £4000. Been looking at Autotrader for things like the Fiesta, Yaris, Ka etc. and found a few I like, but not sure which local dealers are considered to be reputable. Any advice on where to go, or possibly avoid, would be great!
  10. I'm currently learning to drive, and this roundabout is causing me some real problems as I find it really scary. My main question is this- when coming from Brook Hill, what lane do I use to go down Netherthorpe Road (second exit on left)? On approach, I can either take the left arrow or the straight ahead arrow. Which lane does this exit fall under? Also, should you end up in the right or left lane of Netherthorpe Road, and how does your initial lane effect this? Sorry if this sounds very silly- I don't want to cause any accidents!
  11. Thanks for your reply. I'm mainly looking for fitness, while learning a new skill (I also just kind of miss martial arts). I don't think I'm hugely interested in sparring, as I have a few old injuries, but I'm sure I wouldn't be forced to compete or anything. As for the mats, I was more concerned about the video showing people doing sit-ups etc on the hard ground, and also landing heavily without any give can't be good for joints?? But I realise that you probably spend significantly less time on the ground compared to ju-jitsu!
  12. I've been considering starting Taekwondo- haven't done any martial arts for years, but used to do a good bit of ju-jitsu. This club is pretty near me, and I see the banner outside every time I'm on the bus. Has anyone been here or train regularly? I've had a look at their website, and it seems like a good club. They are part of the TAGB, which from what google tells me is similar to ITF- bit worried that they don't seem to use mats though! Any opinions/advice would be much appreciated! I know very little about Taekwondo, or what I should be looking for...
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