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  1. 60 is three packets of ciggies. If he smokes Lambert and Butler that would cost him 3 x 7.37 x 31 = £685 per month in ciggies! No wonder he is skint all the time!
  2. I think that the retired 60 somethings of today will live longer than the still working late 40 and 50 somethings of today. The government dare not risk losing the grey vote so it is hammering the 40 and 50 somethings to pay for the retired 60 somethings to swann around all over the country on freeby jollies!
  3. What's wrong with paying your own way anyhow? Working people cannot support it all. We are taxed to death.
  4. Isn't it awful and belittling when you have to pay like everyone else?
  5. Some garages do servicing with a free MOT. Once you have paid for the service they do not tend to find much wrong with the car.
  6. I think that once we go down the road of volunteers doing work that needs doing we are on a slippery slope. This government would get everything done by volunteers for free if they could. They would then sit back and reap the money in laughing all the way to the bank at people who work for nothing.
  7. Sounds good. Hope it continues to work for you. ---------- Post added 09-12-2012 at 15:59 ---------- Yes but if people had to stop off for their 20 fags in Belgium on the way to work it might make them late.
  8. I know that I am going to regret this. What is vaping?
  9. I don't think we have any Welsh people on our street.
  10. I stopped smoking almost 3 years ago. The price of 20 Lambert and Butler when I stopped was around £5-30p. I called at the shop this morning for some groceries and just happened to notice the price now....£7-37p. I used to smoke around 25 per day...that would be £3,362 per year!! Why anyone is prepared to pay that is beyond me. If you smoke for 50 years it would cost £168,100.....you could get a good house for that!!!
  11. Yes, but the English were not to blame. The conspiracy was that the Irish said that they were! Nowt to do with us!
  12. I think that "another corporate abusing our tax laws" is VERY specific.
  13. The potato famine has already been proven to be a conspiracy theory!
  14. My OH starts buying stuff for Christmas in the January sales. Does anyone wish to purchase 14 tins of out of date shortbread?
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