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Posts posted by Jack_Russell

  1. I've just had a quick look at the core strategy link. According to this, the area of the Parkway near Catcliffe (where Woolworths used to be) is outside the strategy area. I didn't realise it was outside Sheffield. Is it Rotherham?


    Does anyone know what space there is there? I'm surprised Ikea aren't looking around there.


    From September I think there will be a large plot of land on Attercliffe common,perhaps that could be used?

  2. Unfortunately it's not a valid comparison as the facilities built for the WSG are still being used. It would be better to compare the WSG loan with a mortgage on a house, once you get a level of equity in your house you can then use that to borrow more for maintenance and extensions.


    This is what has happened with the WSG loan, it's been used to fund further capital projects.


    Julie Dores comparison...not mine

  3. Many moons ago I went to watch one of the first ever floodlit 20/20 cricket matches down there.


    I think it was Yorkshire against the rest of the world and whilst they were expecting/hoping for 10,000 to turn up, the actual attendance from memory was closer to 17,000.


    With 20/20 now being such a major player in the cricket world, is there any mileage in trying to get Yorkshire to play some of their games at DVS? I bet they rarely get 17,000 at Headingley and if 1 or 2 games were played at DVS I'm sure the local public would turn out in numbers to support the team.






    I remember going as well, I seem to remember a young Sachin Tendulkar playing for the Rest of the World team.

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