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Posts posted by pottedplant

  1. It's my opinion. Live with it.


    I can. Happily.


    Its just never very sharing and caring opinion (thinking of others and all that - isn't that what good Christians are supposed to do?)


    Some people struggle with very ill children for a very long time. They have other children to care for ad try and maintain some normality in their own lives.


    Taking time off for every admittance would leave them at risk of losing their jobs and income - moving onto benefit dependency. Would that make you happier?

  2. I was there overnight on all the times my daughter had to stay when she was small & had several stays in the Children's Hospital. It would never have occurred to me to walk away and leave her when she was ill and afraid. If you have a job you take time off, if you have other children you find someone else to take care of them. If you can't be with an ill child at a time like that, I'd question your suitability as a parent at all.


    Thought you might be along soon with that empathetic manner.


    Some people can't. End of.

  3. I suppose I could see your point on the presentation at BB's - as I say 'homestyle'. Its not a massively inspiring menu, but I've never had a problem with temperature or taste.


    Always been good for big groups - something for everyone, the menu isn't going to put the fussier eaters off!


    I think the OP should go - am settle this one for us!

  4. Fair enough :) just felt a little harsh.


    I can see why some might not like BB's but every time I have been I have found the servuice good and the food enjoyable. Its not fancy restaurant fare granted, I suppose I would liken it to a more 'homestyle' experience. But I have always enjoyed it.


    We do agree about Mammas however!


    Wasn't meaning to be harsh.


    haha re Mammas.....perhaps I ought to try BBs again(to be fair have only been twice - but it was just very bland and uninspiring and unattractively presented and luke warm too!)

  5. Sorry if I've offended anyone.

    Of course if your child is a long term or regular patient it may not be possible for a parent to be there all the time.

    I was recounting my experience and this one couple weren't the only ones doing it.

    It was in a general ward.

    My son should have been in ICT but they didn't have any beds available.


    Maybe I didn't word it correctly.


    Thanks GrannyGranny - dealing with a constantly poorly child is tough.

  6. Sounds like a stunningly good idea. You can disagree with her policies without gloating about her death - for those that feel the need to gloat I'd remind them of the grace and dignity that surrounded john Smith's death. Then I'll stick them on the ignore list.


    John Smith was indeed a gentleman who had the respect of most.

  7. BBs has always been nice when we've been, reasonably priced too. It's on Devonshire Street (near Devonshire Green).


    The menu is here: http://www.bbsrestaurant.co.uk/


    BBs is awful - really poor .


    As is Mamas before someone recommends that!


    The chains in Leopold Square are better.


    Gusto is very good (but a bit pricey).


    ---------- Post added 08-04-2013 at 13:18 ----------


    I second BB's, or have always enjoyed Ego which is under St Paul's hotel. or Cafe Gusto on Norfolk Row.


    How you can like BBs and Gustos is beyond my comprehension! One is excellent the other is dire.

  8. May be a good place to post this :-)




    for anyone wanting to donate however small.


    I started donating after my youngest, who was 4 weeks old, stopped breathing and had to be rushed to A&E at 3am. All the staff were fantastic as well as the paramedics, ward nurses and Doctors, support staff, 999 operator who had to talk us through CPR and the Police who had to question us. They are automatically notified in these situations.

    Thankfully he was ok but spent 4 weeks in hospital.

    Interesting talking to nurses having to explain why there are no plugs or soap dispeners in the ward...they keep being stolen!

    Also some parents leaving their children overnight and treating like a free nursery!

    IMO if your child id ill enough to be in hospital at least one parent should be there for the majority of the time.

    I overheard one couple in the morning talking about their night out they had and how hung over they were.

    Not helpful when the nurses are looking after 5-6 children each during the night.

    very different to when he had an operation at Great Ormond Street!

    Free teddy bear from Hamleys, wet rooms, parent kitchen, huge play room as well as plug and soap dispensers :-)


    And if you have a chronically ill child? Who is admitted repeatedly? and you both have jobs? and other children to look after and see to.


    Don't tar everyone because you over heard one conversation.


    IMHO NO parent should be there overnight (I don't actually think this but it is as ridiculous a notion as yours is).

  9. Doh !!! :huh:


    Rude what?


    ---------- Post added 07-04-2013 at 17:10 ----------


    Is this just in Sheffield, or are Derbyshire doing it, does anyone know? I live on a lovely council estate and theres loads of elderly people who have lived in the houses since they were built after the war, but they are still there now, alone, in 3bed houses. One of them can't even get upstairs anymore, so is living just on one level. I think the council should encourage elderly people to move into bugalows or flats which would be better for them and it would help out families who are living in 1bed flats with children.


    The "bedroom tax" affects those people on housing benefits (*but not OAPs) who live in a home judged to be too big for them.


    What actually happen is that the amount of benefit they receive is reduced to fit the number of bedrooms they need rather than have.

  10. That dosn't prove by a long chalk that:


    "Proper reliable full-time employment seems becoming a thing of the past"


    Almost everyone I know is in reliable full time employment..


    Are they? Conversely nearly everyone I know (including many bank workers, medics, public servants, teachers............) may currently be working full time - but certainly don't believe the situation to be reliable.

  11. so, what you are saying is that:-


    a) a disabled person must accept an unsuitable property, or pay a penalty for needing adaptations, or to stay in the adapted property they are already living in...? that's the whole premise of the unjust legislation that so many of us are against.


    b) you cannot penalise parents who split up, particularly to the detriment of the child(ren) involved in the split.

    In the "olden" days partners "put up and shut up" if they were in a bad marriage. There was no "out", back then, to get away from a mentally ill partner, an abusive partner, a cruel partner.


    but we do penalise the children- by supporting the suitcase lifestyle that many of them have to endure.


    ---------- Post added 07-04-2013 at 11:20 ----------


    That's a nice sentiment, but not actually true. Home is what you own. People who rent are a rent payment away from goodbye.


    As are people with a mortgage.........

  12. Yes I do of course they have to go somewhere by charging the Council are just making things difficult for them, as they probably will not have the money to pay to use the facilities. My issue was not who uses the toilets but the fact that the you being charged to use them in the first place that is what I have a grievance with. :)


    Ah - your previous post seemed to be suggesting that only taxpayers ought to get free use of public toilets.

  13. She was an aspiring musician who looked down on me for being too 'common'. Her mother owns several properties and I am left with the responsibility of bringing-up our children.


    You will have seen I removed my previous post as recognized was being judgmental , without cause, - but you must have seen it hence your reply. Sorry for that.

  14. experience suggests that fags, alcohol and drugs come out of the weekly spend before the children get their 'treats'. My ex wasn't going to go without her cigarettes and would use child benefit and child tax credits to buy them.




  15. It's already been defined who they are....the work shy who have no intention of working, who exploit the welfare state not for its actual purpose as a safety net, but to actively avoid work as a lifestyle choice. Are you denying these sort of people exist? The Philpot case is just happens to be a good example in the media spot light.


    I thought the Philpott household was a working one - both wife and mistress were reported to be working.

  16. ]I like the idea' date=' but it would be difficult to live like that, constantly living out of a suitcase... [/b'] And if/when you got a new partner they would also have to adopt that lifestyle.


    But it's this kind of thinking which is needed if we are going to have a social safety net which the tax payer can afford.


    Which is what many many kids have to do now.


    As I said before this only works if you are prepared to put your kids needs first.


    (re the new partner thing - half the week is spent at the one bed - the other with the kids ; so plenty of time for "socialising")

  17. I can understand for that as if they are free you don't know who's been using them prostitutes and drug addicts or homeless people but why charge the people that pay to keep the country running when we all pay tax is what I cannot understand and for years the toilets were free to use they never charged it is only something that has been done recently. :)


    ---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 21:09 ----------




    Do you mean only for the paying customers of the place?? I was desperate and had to pee when you have to go you have to go lol. :)


    Do you not appreciate that the homeless may need these facilities more than anyone?

  18. As in the child stays at 1 house permanently and the now-separated parents break their week up moving between 2 dwellings?


    Yes. Gives the child stability of having all their things in one home - near their friends and school.


    Friends of ours (not housing benefit recipients) did this. Kept the orginal large family house for the children- while they took it in turns to sleep at a one bedroom crash pad nearby.


    Does mean putting the kids first though.

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