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Posts posted by pottedplant

  1. Discipline should stem from the home,and if teachers cannot control children then one must ask if it is an integral part of their job.When teachers do take action many parents object-they want discipline applied to other children but not their own.


    Not sure what your first sentence is saying (although agree home discipline is important.


    But this parent wouldn't object - have made it quite clear that the school ought not to be so lenient with mine at times!

  2. my son will be going to secondary school in 2 yrs time...the school in my catchment area is handsworth garange....was wondering if anyone can tell me what the school is like...like in studies, discipline.and other areas.....Also we r ready to move into other catchment areas.....but confused between silverdale or tapton or king ecgbard.....


    What do you want/ need out of a school?


    A good all round education yes but is your child very able/ less able ? Do they favor certain subjects? Will pastoral care be important to you?


    My children go to Tapton and despite being judged to be oustanding, on a given couple of days when the inspectors were in , there are aspects of the school I don't like. I don't think they are disciplined enough- and agree with others who have said that the behaviour at the local shops and on buses is often disgraceful. I also don't like the uniform policy (or lack of). I also think some of the teachers have quite major issues controlling the children.


    On the other hand some of the teachers are truly inspirational, generally most kids get good results and the out of a school activities (duke of ed/ sports / other clubs) are great. And despite being in one of the most inclement parts of Sheffield they tend to stay open when it snows (so good work ethics).


    You have a couple of years - so why not look round the schools during this years round of opening evenings and see which may suit before committing to a house move.

  3. Been to lanz loads of times and stayed in PDC and PB. there's definitely loads more bars in PDC but walking down the front you do get hassled. PB is my preference lovely harbour and marina with nice restaurants and bars and no hassle at all. Plus you can get a ferry across to fuertuventura.


    Think you may prefer PB. We stayed in the rubicon palace which is a lovely hotel but a good 30 minute walk to the harbour.


    I think the OP may actually prefer PDC - they were asking regarding karoke etc....


    I prefer PB then Costa Teguise then PDC but have different holiday requirements to the OP.

  4. you could get train direct from Midland and Meadowhall.

    I dont know if its on route that had the landslide.

    It is cheaper than a minibus,although you do have to get the bus to Thorpe park when arriving.but same as if going by coach


    It is on the route with the landslide


    ---------- Post added 24-03-2013 at 13:35 ----------


    Ooo not sure, have they stopped running them. I got train straight through last summer x


    Think they have because of the landslide.

  5. The cleared areas will be black ice -worse kind.


    ---------- Post added 24-03-2013 at 10:10 ----------


    Yes and if everyone did their own bits as well, there'd be a nice clear path all the way along a road, wouldn't there? Or is that too simple?


    ---------- Post added 24-03-2013 at 10:30 ----------


    Not impolite, just struggling desperately to understand why you couldn't figure it all out for yourself? A small prod in the direction of "Give the issue a moments thought", perhaps?


    ---------- Post added 24-03-2013 at 10:32 ----------


    The cleared area outside my house is dry and utterly ice free, the black kind or any other kind. Because I took a small amount of effort yesterday to make sure it would be safe today.


    and mine has nice fresh crunchy snow to walk on - so also very safe.

  6. Thing is , up in fulwood the snow on the paths was at least 4 inches deep.


    We are forecast min 5 days of subzero temps.


    So that snow will be really treacherous if not cleared...and very hard to clear once it freezes solid.


    However the cleared areas will be ice free by tomorrow.


    Damned if you do , damned if you don't.


    The cleared areas will be black ice -worse kind.


    ---------- Post added 24-03-2013 at 10:10 ----------


    Exactly Gooooogle.


    Yesterday I got a lambasting from some of the more "clever" members on here for encouraging folks to go out and do their bit. I wonder if these people will enjoy walking around on ice for the next few days?



    I didn't lamblast you. I merely said you were not being as community minded as you said you were by merely clearly your own bit of pathway.

  7. no buses to lodge moor for 24 hours now, never heard of that before, 3pm yesterday and the road all the way to crosspool was still covered in thick icy snow.


    I reckon weekend=not a work day so resources are kept back and hope it sorts itself for Monday


    I think you could be right - and a sensible decision if you are.

  8. But why do some roads and not others. We've had tractors with ploughs, gritters and gritters with ploughs. So Worrall to Hillsborough has had loads of attention. Why not touch Crookes at all?

    It's a main route from Broomhill to Hillsborough. Makes little sense to me. Can we get anyone from amey to explain. To all the argument starters, yes it's one day (looks more likely to be three though) we all pay our taxes so why don't we get the same road clearing services?


    Here you go:


    Priorities and Gritting Timescales


    Primary Routes

    These cover 250 miles in total and are defined as:

    main roads which link cities together

    road links which have more than just local significance

    main public transport routes and roads leading to important industrial establishments such as hospitals and fire stations.

    These will be completely covered within 3 hours of gritters leaving the depot.


    Secondary Routes

    These cover 470 miles in total and are defined as:

    Important distribution roads;

    Roads leading to schools, villages, shopping centres;

    Important bus routes and roads leading to bus depots;

    busy commuter roads

    known hot-spots

    These will be completely covered within 5 ½ hours of gritters leaving the depot.



    and more on the link here:




    including the grit routes.


    all you need to know about gritting at your finger tips.

  9. Hi everyone, I am posting this on behalf of a friend.


    Nick Walker has been missing since Tuesday night, the police can't find him and he is not with any of his friends.


    Most likely to be wearing a jumper/hoodie, tracky bottoms/jeans and a backpack.


    If anyone sees him can you please phone the police or post here to let us know.


    I will try and get a picture on here in the coming hours.



    Can mods please make this a sticky thread at the top, cheers.


    How old is he?

    How tall?

    What colour hair/ skin tone?

    Where was he last seen?


    Hope he is found safe soon.

  10. Is it my fault that most of my neighbours, (and it would seem much of Sheffield), are too lazy to do a proper job?


    No - but neither are you helping the community by doing your own stretch. Which is what you were asserting.


    Helping the community would be going to some old dears and asking them if they wanted their path (properly) clearing - not doing your own so you can get your car out.

  11. You're probably right - it sounds like a lot of them are still really busy at Brookhill.


    I take your point though. If it's not urgent then why stress about it.


    I think the new Amey contractor for the Council has a different (and less effective) set of logistics for gritting but only time will tell.


    I was getting a new car today and have re-arranged plans to do this in a week's time. Flexibility is key in weather like this isn't it ?


    It is - shame you couldn't get your car though!


    I just think the world goes mad when it snows. Every one desperate to go .......where? what is wrong with a bit of chilling?

  12. Let's hope not because the emergency services would not be able to get through ! Better delay those heart attacks too !


    Thought they had special tyre things and 4 wheel drives? Is that not the case?


    Was being flippant - but seriously it is one day. One day when perhaps people (who can) could walk rather than drive, life could be that little bit slower.

  13. I cleared the driveway within my property boundary. I also cleared the drive leading to the road and the adjacent footway on the public side of the boundary, being careful NOT to pile the footway in any way, shape or form with a heap of cleared snow. I then salted the bits I had cleared. So people can now safely walk on the public footway outside my property. Hardly rocket science.


    Stop trying to make excuses for those too idle to show some care for others.


    So you did just do your bits? Not much help to the rest of the community then is it?


    I haven't done mine - and won't - but the reason I was on a trek was buying some shopping for the next door elderly neighbor. That to me is helping the community - not salting outside your own front door.



    - and you perhaps have done a good and thorough job but many many others don't which is why I would rather they left it alone.

  14. Well that's my drive and the footway outside my house cleared, as well as a track cut through to the wheel tracks that cars running up and down our road have cut through the snow. So I can get out and about.


    And how many others on my road have put the same minor bit of effort in, you might ask? One of the young lads from next door is having a go, good lad.


    The rest of the road? Idle swines, the lot of them!


    If you consider yourself a REAL Sheffielder, get of your big fat idles and get outside and clear the paths!


    Please don't.


    I walk everywhere and when you do this it makes it incredibly difficult.


    Indeed have just been on a trek and the number of selfish people who have either cleared their path (but just left that little bit of a film on it) or built huge mountains of snow across the pathway is incredible really really ignorant people out there today.


    ---------- Post added 23-03-2013 at 17:04 ----------


    Another idle, feckless good-for-nothing who cares naught for the community they live in, nor those less able than themselves then? Fine. Apparently. Not.


    So you cleared the entire road and pathway did you -and gritted it really well too to make it safe?


    Only thought your post said you had cleared your drive and your bit of pathway - thus making it worse for many not better.


    ---------- Post added 23-03-2013 at 17:04 ----------

  15. Crikey - anyone know what's going on ?




    ---------- Post added 23-03-2013 at 16:54 ----------


    i too was told the road is totally blocked off and that there's lots of emergency services there....there's a bus and lots of cars on the road within where they've closed it, making it difficult to see what's actually happened?


    see post 8 (and 11)

  16. So what are you supposed to do if you need to go out in your car then? Or if you want to make your bit of pavement easier for people to negotiate if they have to walk to the shops?


    ---------- Post added 23-03-2013 at 13:30 ----------



    If people heap it on the pavement, then they're antisocial twits who need telling. We've got an idiot down our road who heaps the snow on to the pavement so he can get his 4x4 off the drive, leaving the rest of us to climb over it. *One* day I'll catch him doing it.


    Its taking it off the pavements that the problem .......... leaving just that little thin bit ti slip and slid on.


    It doesn't make it easier to walk on (and not just to the car - I walk 6 miles a day). It makes it harder.


    I find it really really selfish that people do it.


    PS - what did you anti social twit say when you asked him why he built mini mountains?


    ---------- Post added 23-03-2013 at 14:34 ----------


    Plus if the temperature drops, the cleared surfaces will be very slippery. I remember a few years back when this happened.


    Yes they are - and when you are trying to walk on them to get to work it really is no fun.

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