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Everything posted by Dreamspirit

  1. Just read on facebook about the sad death of a well known and much loved character Martin Bellamy a champion of the Sheffield rock music scene glass collector supreme in the limit club and the palais skilled horseman and historical battle re enactment enthusiast http://www.facebook.com/dove.page/posts/474022519300248?comment_id=87017255&notif_t=feed_comment_reply my tribute RIP BIG MARTIN BELLAMY Rest in peace Martin knew you since 1989 you were the star of the last night of the Limit club Video that I shot 22 years ago this very month,you were the dude that got me a VHS copy of a Clockwork Orange years years before they unbanned it and what you did to your next door neighbours fish before he ate it will forever remain a secret safe with me......Martin Bellamy an urban legend xxx
  2. In principal we agree I think Labour created this mess and now their usual solution is slash and burn/knock it down/pull it down/re-develope it/sell the land/the wanted to persuade sheffield united to move to don valley so they could build on the Bramall Lane site .....oldest Football ground in the world i believe.
  3. Sheffield city council to pull Don Valley Stadium down....the city Administrations of David Blunkett 1980 to 86 and Clive Betts 1986 to 92 both worked to bring the 1991 World Student Games to Sheffield .....the debt the city incurred to stage the games amounted to £658 million which will not be paid off until 2024.The Labour controlling group on Sheffield city council lied to the people the way they always have lied to the people that outside investment was paying for the games and the event would not prove to be a financial burden to the city.22 years on and guess what sheffield city council have declared their intent to pull don valley stadium down the place where our Olympic heptathlon champion Jessica Ennis was discovered and still the place where she trains,the venue that has seen the Rolling Stones play live in the city 3 times.Typical Labour eh build something like the multi story tower blocks then pull em down.Personally was against the world student games coming to Sheffield as i feared the financial consequences for the city but having build Don Valley don't allow them to tear it down.Simple Fact is the current financial difficulties were created by Labour in the first place and their only answer to the problem they themselves created in this city is to knock an athletics stadium down.Labour cannot be trusted with the economy and the Torys cannot be trusted with the welfare of the people.
  4. Did not know the guy knew of him but that's it really sounds like he had a tough up bringing to me as a society we never learn do we.we push the likes of mozaz out into the world and expect them to cope.
  5. Video Tributes on you tube search for a walk in the countryside with 0742 I have to say I never actually ever met or spoke to Mozaz I know quite a few people who knew him well and quite a few that crossed swords with the guy.I cannot comment on the views expressed regarding his character because I simply did not know the guy but one thing has to be said 45 is no age to pass away.I am relieved to hear that this guy did not die alone or uncared for respect to those who were with him till the end.Rest in peace Mozaz.
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