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Everything posted by oopspardon

  1. Can't agree more - The Attic had sandwiches that were everything a sandwich should be.
  2. I went to Marlcliffe Junior School where the houses were: Bessimer (green) Chantry (Yellow) Sitwell (Blue) Ruskin (Red) There were various taunts that were chanted at the annual sports day 'Ruskin, Ruskin, shove 'em in the dustbin'; 'Chantry, Chantry, lock 'em inthe pantry'; 'Sitwell, Sitwell, put'em in the inkwell'. Fortunately, I was in Bessimer and there was nothing that rhymed with that. None of the teachers bothered to tell us who the houses were named after or why. I've noticed a couple of other schools having some of the same house names, especially Chantry, anyone know who these people were?
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