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Everything posted by welshgirl

  1. Have you tried the Hillsborough Forum's shop? I know they sell a few books on local history, might be worth a shot: http://www.facebook.com/Hillsboroughforum?sk=wall
  2. And don't even get me started on Talk Talk callers! My complaint to the company caused me yet more stress as each time they responded they just said that they needed my customer number to log the complaint, and no matter how many times I said I wasn't a customer, they just didn't understand!
  3. I completely agree that people donating would not want to see their money going on that kind of fundraising or various levels of management. I do think that some paid staff are required, however, to organise volunteers and with all of the red tape they have to work around. We have lots of fantastic local charities in Sheffield, most of whom are committed to using every penny to best help local people. I really hope that they survive the very difficult financial times at the moment.
  4. For your job you'll be paying income tax as before, but presumably you will be paying Corporation Tax on your business's profits rather than income tax? You'll definitely need to speak to HMRC to set it all up though (and find out what type of accounts etc you'll need to provide). All the best with the business!
  5. Have you had a look at the Help Yourself website? It's got a lot of the things in the City on: http://www.sheffieldhelpyourself.org.uk/ or the following has a list of Lunch Clubs: http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/caresupport/adults/olderpeople/lunchclubs
  6. Are you serious? Being homeless is not a game, it's an absolute nightmare and I think it's silly to think people would choose to be homeless to 'jump the list'.
  7. Really? 'most'? That's completely untrue. Many places hold interviews over a week and need to ensure consistency over the period, so cannot let the first people know within 24 hours. I've often had to wait well over a week.
  8. The only one I know of is through the Sheffield Social group (see link). There tends to be a book a month. I've only been the once, but really enjoyed it. I just need to rid of my stupid dissertation so I can get on with the pile of books I'm desperate to read! Please post if you find any others!
  9. Sorry to interupt the moans about the police, but I'd just like to say that I think it's good to see that SYP have taken the time to set up a thread to inform us all about possible disruption.
  10. Hi Doc! Are you the same person who I saw on the Sheffield Social Facebook page? I hope you are enjoying 'sunny' Sheffield! What kind of thing are you in to? There are quite a few threads on various sports in Sheffield on the sport part of the forum, if there's something you want to take up again over here. I can also recommend an egyptology society if that's your thing (bit of a long shot!)! Fi
  11. Hi Brixie! I moved to Sheffield last October and I think it's fab! It's a really nice sized place with lots going on. The group is definitely a good way to meet people and it might be worth joining the Facebook page before you move down - if you are looking for advice on where to find accommodation you could post on the page and see if anyone has any advice? Anyway, maybe I'll see you in September! Fi
  12. Hi Radley, Yes there is - see above and the events part of the Facebook page. Fi
  13. Hi Lolly, I know how you feel - I'm shy myself. It really is a nice bunch, so no need to be worried. We put the pub quiz up as the newbie event because there's not the awkwardness of eating (unless you want to!) and the quiz means that new and old alike have things to discuss, so it does make it a bit easier. I appreciate that it can be difficult to go to your first event, but it's definitely worth it - lots of nice new people to meet. If you decide to go and want my number in case you can't find us (Beppe the monkey will be on the table), then just drop me a message. Fi
  14. Hi all, If you fancy meeting some new people in Sheffield, get yourself along to the Rutland Arms at 9pm on Thursday for the Sheffield Social's Pub Quiz/Newbie night. All old and new faces welcome. Please see the Facebook Page for more info. Friendly people, nice pub and a quiz - what more could you want on a Thursday night? Fi
  15. Hi Joan - I'm guessing you're the Joan P who's just posted on the Sheff Social fb page? Glad it's working now! Just a note for anyone else looking to 'like' the page - a few people have had poblems getting access to the page and this has been because the page has been limited to people over 18 and people in the UK, so if you're having problems try checking your profile settings. Good news - a pub quiz event has now been set up (woop woop!)! It'll be the Lescar pub quiz on Tuesday 3rd May from 8pm. Everyone's welcome and it's a great first event for any newbies out there - go on, give it a try! (see the facebook page for more details) Fi
  16. Cool! There's no pub quiz on there at the moment, but there'll probably be one in the next few weeks and that's a really good first event to try (mind you, so are any of the others!). Hopefully see you at an event soon (although unless you have a Radley handbag I won't realise it's you!). Fi
  17. Yeah, the facebook group means that everyone can see all the events (times/locations etc) clearly - just setting up our first meetings on a SF thread was a bit of a nightmare as everyone was trawling through all the posts! Yes, there's a barbeque organised for tomorrow - I'm not sure if I can link to a particular event, but if you click on the previous link to the page and then select 'events' on th left hand side you'll see all of the events planned so far. Fi
  18. There's eight other events on there at the mo, so it's definitely worth a look!
  19. It's pub quiz night again tonight!!! Fancy meeting some new people in Sheffield? Up for wowing people with obscure facts? (not essential!) Why not pop along to the Lescar for the pub quiz from eight tonight - all welcome! See link for more details! Fi
  20. Champion's League trumping quiz night - no wayyyyyyy!!!!!!! The pub quiz's quite a regular event (usually every two weeks) so I'm sure you'll be able to help us out on the footie questions next time! I'd defo recommend joining the fb page - there's a night out on Friday on there too (among many others!). Fi
  21. Sorry to hear you've been having problems. I'd just like to back up what Becky said - none of us would have deleted you - must be facebook having a blonde day! The only problem some other people have mentioned is trouble posting when they use a different browser (e.g. firefox) - are you using internet explorer?
  22. I totally agree with you that education is important and I understand your concerns as a parent. I definitely think you need to talk to your daughter though - you don't seem sure of her reasons for making this choice, and although you've said it's sudden, it may be something she's been wanting to do for a while (you mentioned in your original post that she might have been doing Business originally to keep you happy). It takes a lot of motivation to get good A level results and if it's not what she wants to do, then it'll be an unhappy and potentially unsuccessful time for her. Is it really so bad to go in to the beauty business? - if she can get an apprenticeship somewhere she'll be a better off than a lot of graduates out there! I did well academically, but it's taken me quite a few years to really work out what I want to do (by trying different jobs), and I'm currently back at Uni doing a Masters I would never have considered doing after I initially graduated, so having some time to work things out has really worked for me. It must be really hard being a mum and seeing your child making a choice you don't think is in their best interest, so my heart goes out to you. Definitely have a good chat and really talk it through. All the best for you both!
  23. As in 'like' the facebook page? If you click on the link in my post above and then there should be a 'like' button on the left hand side. There's a link to all the events and a discussion board (with a thread where people introduce themselves to the group) on the left hand side too. Enjoy!
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