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alan p

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Posts posted by alan p

  1. I worked at Shaws ironmongers at the bottom of South Street around 65/66.We used to get deliveries on Sheaf Lane, There was Poysers wholesale tobacco merchants and there  was a Lagging company who used the Lane for deliveries,can't remember their name but remember Mort an Irishman who worked for them drank in the Samson.

  2. Purchased a suite some years ago thinking it was pure leather but it turns out its not. Started having problems with it and after searching the internet for a solution found out about Bicast. I'm wanting to know if anyone has had a suite made of this stuff and been able to find a polish/cleaner they can recommend.  The company has gone out of business some time back. Thanks for any info.Alan.  P.s. Happy New Year to you all.

  3. Not sure if I needed to start my own topic but wondered if I upgraded to Windows 10 from 7 would it make my laptop any faster?

    I have a HP G61 4gb 64 bit laptop that I did a factory reset on but it still takes sometime to open. The laptop has never been used to its full potential used only for searching stuff online, emails and transfering music from CD's to SD card. I'm not very technical so any help is much appreciated. Thanks Alan.

  4. Hello swarfendor, Thanks for replying. I managed to get to talk to Skype through live chat and was talking with them for about 45 minutes just going round in circles. Finally I had to change my password but it will take around a month for it to activate. I think I will have to try opening a new Skype account using a different name. I only wanted to change my recovery email address to one I use now. Regards Alan.

  5. Can anyone help me please? I have used Skype for years to keep in touch with family overseas, I some how must have signed myself out and now when I try to sign in its telling me it has to send me a code but its trying to send it to a email address that I stopped using many years ago and I have tried to change it to one I use now but it keeps going to the old email address. Can anyone tell me how I can recitfy this problem. Thanks.

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