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Well dressings

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I have just aquired a leaflet on well dressings, telling me the history, dates and blessings of the wells in Derbyshire. I noticed that the Church banned it as water worship, but the tradition refused to die and it is just as strong now as it always was.The practice may date back to the celts or even earlier.


My question is why should the Church ban such a harmless habit, surely,that was not going against the worship of God, my feeling is that the Clergy or priesthood were just dictators and there word had to be obeyed because they said so.

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Aha it comes up again.


Actually the well dressings have a pagan twist to them. Many Celtic mythologies are based at springs and wells as gateways to the otherworld. Many Christian practises have their foundations in heathen traditions and beliefs.


There are a few sites around that talke about the folklore of it. In Devon they have been given a gratn to study the many wells down there.

Glastonbury has Chalice well which is a focul point for many pagans - canne speak for Christians here don't know.


My friend is trying to find more infromation on her goddess who is associated with Waterways and astral pathways - these include the wells. I have my suspicion that her goddess may have been adopted and become St Helen as the Celtic Goddess Bridgit became a saint.


Moon Maiden

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Yes I am aware that many christian beliefs have their origin in the pagan worshipping, and I do think that a lot was very sensible.


The people living at that time knew they could not live without water so therefore offered prayers to try and ensure their future supplies.


The same with Sun worshippers who believed it was a god and when you think about it they weren't far wrong.

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Personally i think there is an amicable overlap - unfortunately neither the Pagan communties or the god fearing ones are willing to accept that.


There are some in paganism that are happy just to get on, but as I experienced this morning. When a pagan attempts to put their point of view across to a christian majority they have abuse and ridicult hurled at them......what fun


Moon Maiden

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