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How can I get dasies in my lawn?

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Depending on how many dandelions there are, you could kill them with weed and feed or dig each one up and pour a little bit of salt down the hole thats left to kill off whats left of the roots.


To get daisys... you can buy little packs of daisy seeds and pour them on or... dig up a daisy plant and transplant it to the lawn.

They spread though, and in a few years youll be inundated with them.

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Depending on how many dandelions there are, you could kill them with weed and feed or dig each one up and pour a little bit of salt down the hole thats left to kill off whats left of the roots.


To get daisys... you can buy little packs of daisy seeds and pour them on or... dig up a daisy plant and transplant it to the lawn.

They spread though, and in a few years youll be inundated with them.


I've never seen daisy seeds. :suspect: . Do they sell them at garden centres?

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I've never seen daisy seeds. :suspect: . Do they sell them at garden centres?


You used to be able to get a mix of tiny wildflower seeds that you sprinkle on the lawn, there arent just daisys in there though, they have a mix of tiny flowers and they DO look lovely among the grass.

Trouble is, they spread.


I saw a pack of daisy seeds in Wilkinsons, theyre about 60p but it may be best to find some daisys and dig them up by the roots and stick them into the lawn. Theyre already established then and all you need to do is water them for a few weeks until they get rooted in.

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