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Hagg House Allotment Association

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Hi everyone,


Following the meeting this Saturday (14th) we now have an allotment association. I'll be emailing/posting the agreed constitution and minutes etc out over the next few days. If you attended either of the meetings in March on the site, or the meeting this Saturday and gave your details you will receive these by email or post.


If you weren’t there and would like to receive them please email hagghouseaa@yahoo.co.uk and I’ll put you on the mailing list. Please include your name, email and plot number(s). If you are not a plotholder on the site but wish to join the mailing list anyway this is fine (the constitution allows non-plotholders to be members), please simply put your interest in the site.


In May we will be holding the first AGM which will cover policy decisions, appointment of officers, funding etc.


Thanks, Ed.

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I would like to congratulate you on all of the hard work put in so far and wish you the best of luck.

Sorry I have not been able to attend any of your meetings so far, but Pat is keeping me upto date.

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