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University of Sheffield Basketball Team Forum

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Originally posted by buck

As a very keen college ball fan in the US ( I don't like NBA ) I was wondering if there is any kind of university league play in the UK along the lines of our NCAA.


Yeah we have national leagues for university basketball. Sheffield University is in Northern Division One, but there are around 7 divisions for North, South, Midlands etc. There is also two Premier Leagues (North and South) that have the best teams in the country.


BUSA organise it all, check out the website:




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Hey Everyone! This is the first time Ive managed to get on the net since Thursday, just wanted to say I thought thursdays game was a success and I had a great time. :)

Come September I have no doubt that there will be many more, and they will be ever more popular too. Photo's will be on the uni website in the coming days too, so its all good.


Nice to meet up with everyone from SheffieldForum in real life too.

See you in Sept!


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Yeah it was good fun!!! Hope ya hands ok Tim!! Need to shake off these injuries and get down to practicing. If any of you come to Sheffield early and want to play again im up for it, even before the term/trials start. Maybe get an indoor court me thinks!! Well what ever il see you soon enough! Adam

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Originally posted by adamkharchi

Nice pics! If you look at the pic of me doin a layup, the shadow makes it look almost like a dunk!!!!! I wish!!!! Keep up good work, see you at trials or early for another scrimmage??!! Adam


As my photography skills improve over the year I hope were all gonna look like the pro's on camera! It will be good when were playing proper games during the season and we'll try to get everyone in action. :D


I was thinking we should do a team photo done at the end of the year (like every other sports team). But we can get it done a hell of a lot cheaper than everyone else as they all pay around £15 for the one team photo (each), as where we can get them printed at Jessops, any size - prob 10 x 12 inch, from my 5 Mega Pixel digi camera and framed for say £5 each and it would be perfect quality :)


Its something Id love to have and keep.

Plus we could also do action shots too if people wanted. Wont cost us anything really & could raise money for the club.


What do you think?

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Seems like a good idea!!! A team photo would really be good, like you said it would be good for the team and yourselves to have. Maybe get profiles onto internet, with pics and a little info about the teams players (probably had that idea already tho')!! Action shots maybe cool too, from the games, competitions and training. I'll be comitted to the team next year so anything that helps us get through the year financially im up for! Adam

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The photo's would be pretty much non profit, but its just something I think would really produce some good team spirt thats never been there before!

As for all the financial issues for the team Ive opened this up to everyone on the "Sponsorship" page of the website, so everyone know what the real situation is and can offer idea's to stop getting into debt like EVERY other uni team.


Tom done a great job last year keeping us to only (minus) £70, most teams were around (minus) £1000-£8000! But as were training at Goodwin all year our costs have gone up and so must our fundraising.

This is where the club t-shirts (final arrangements are getting sorted), team photo's and pay to play competitions (with tropheys) come into play.


But I really thing that its going to be BETTER THAN EVER, by far, as a whole team instead of just 5 or 6 select players.

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