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University of Sheffield Basketball Team Forum

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Here is our team mesage board (with the help of sheffieldforum.co.uk).

If you want to arrange a game anywhere, get some Juice tickets, arrange teams for competitions (either Inter Mural, 3vs3 or 5vs5) or even plan nights out, HERE IS THE PLACE TO DO IT!






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Hey Jonesy, I like your enthusiasm. Both with this and the forum team too. This is a formal invite to join our club committee when term starts. On our website its got the general stuff that we'll be doin and only a few hours every few weeks etc. What do you think? :)

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Good luck with the coming season Steve, I just wish I had more time and money to be more commited into the forum team set up. I am having complications with my mortgage so i'm stressed out enough already.


What I hope to do is get some people together and if you are willing put the second team or lower in for a game as a training session. I'm not sure how you will be working the training sessions out but I would be willing to help out in this way.


Regards, Gerard.

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To all the people, who have been on this message board!


Im also lookin to be playin in the uni team in Sept. Any of you guys in Sheffield at the moment and know if any people are gettin together for some games/scrimmages? Ive already used the uni tea website, but no one gives a ****!!!! Im from Sheffield so im willin to play if anyone knows of any or wants to organise a game. Im gettin into proper training now so just need some game practice!


Im willing to play in the forum team too, with some of the uni lads. I coached a youth team last year in the league (should be this year too) and it seems a safe league to get playin in!


PS: R8 Gez (duffman) remember me! Its Adam we used to play together me, you and danny up at stannington, and a hills' and parson cross a couple of years a go! How ya doin pal, hows the knees!!!! Good to get some practice in if ya willing just send us a reply!

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Well I won't be living in Sheff til freshers week obviously but I wouldn't be adverse to coming over for a day or something to check the city out and could fit some ball in if some other people are interested.

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Originally posted by adamkharchi

To all the people, who have been on this message board!


Im also lookin to be playin in the uni team in Sept. Any of you guys in Sheffield at the moment and know if any people are gettin together for some games/scrimmages? Ive already used the uni tea website, but no one gives a ****!!!! Im from Sheffield so im willin to play if anyone knows of any or wants to organise a game. Im gettin into proper training now so just need some game practice!


Im willing to play in the forum team too, with some of the uni lads. I coached a youth team last year in the league (should be this year too) and it seems a safe league to get playin in!


PS: R8 Gez (duffman) remember me! Its Adam we used to play together me, you and danny up at stannington, and a hills' and parson cross a couple of years a go! How ya doin pal, hows the knees!!!! Good to get some practice in if ya willing just send us a reply!


Holy **** Batman!!!! Man, it's been a while Adam. I will send you a PM but if you see this first check out the Forum b'ball team thread further down I want to get a team going in the Sheffield league for the winter. Also, I will be hoping to get some training games together with the uni team. I just need some people that will be commited to playing regular that can spare some cash.

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Originally posted by adamkharchi

To all the people, who have been on this message board!


Ive already used the uni tea website, but no one gives a ****!!!!

What are you talking about? I run the uni team and website & Ive never heard of you, never mind spotted a post asking for a game.

Please give it time for the website to get up and running, it's only a few weeks old & until term starts there is only so many people who are going to see it.

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Originally posted by duffman

Holy **** Batman!!!! Man, it's been a while Adam. I will send you a PM but if you see this first check out the Forum b'ball team thread further down I want to get a team going in the Sheffield league for the winter. Also, I will be hoping to get some training games together with the uni team. I just need some people that will be commited to playing regular that can spare some cash.


Yeah! No worries about the warm up games! Il get em sorted as soon as term starts etc & we've sorted our uni team out after trials etc! Sounds good for all concerned if we get this up and running coz we could do with friendlies to warm up for the season etc. :D


Im off to cyprus on my travels soon so dont think that I've lost interest in the whole thing. Just e-mail me (pughman@hotmail.com) if u get the basics of a team sorted around sept 1st - whilst Im away, just so I can plan our side of things etc.



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