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Anyone tried E.M.D.R??

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I think it works by first looking at the word "mumbo" and then quickly to the word "jumbo". If you do this quickly then the two words merge into "mumbo jumbo" and you really get the feel of the treatment.


Just what you need when I find that this is my only hope. I've tried everything to get rid of my depression and anxiety... My counsellor suggested this could proabably "fix me" and seeing as I hadn't heard of it before, i wanted to know if someone had found it helpful...

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I think it works by first looking at the word "mumbo" and then quickly to the word "jumbo". If you do this quickly then the two words merge into "mumbo jumbo" and you really get the feel of the treatment.



Who cares if it helps people?

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It's been a recommended treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and although I don't know much about EMDR, the key detail is the processing of deeply distressing or negative memories.


There are different kinds of memory store in the brain. There is a primitive emergency record of extremely painful events, and if such a memory is triggered it leads to automatic responses that are great for survival in a traumatic situation, but dysfunctional when they get triggered in normal life. These memories are fragmented in their nature, the events and the feelings they provoked are not integrated and all this leads to severe emotional disturbances.


This primitive emergency memory cannot be ignored or just forgotten by will. It has to be processed and integrated, via a full reliving of the event(s) and the feelings around it. This is what talking therapies aim to do. The memories become whole and more like the sort of normal memories that you can file away and control, that don't hijack your brain into an extreme emotional response.


So the filtering out of the distress as a controlled narrative is what does the trick, and that's basically how the deeper therapies work. The bit about eye movements and following a finger about does look ridiculous, I have no idea what that's about.


Some practitioners have their pet gimmicky theories, which may be why you're being sold this as a 'fix'. I don't know if you've been down the straightforward psychotherapy option, Claire, but I think it would be just as effective (as opposed to CBT which really doesn't deal with issues from the past that won't go away). I hope that helps (though I've probably just made you more confused!)

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