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How to transform a skein to a ball?

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I made myself a swift - it makes the world of difference, as I kept having problems with skeins getting tangled when I tried to wind them into a ball by hand.

How did you make it? I'd like to have a go at making one too.

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Much to the hilarity of Turra and Hecate I undo the skein and sit cross legged with the skein sitting over my knees to hold it out. The back of a hard chair would do the job - and I remember holding my arms out for my Mum when I was small so she could wind skeins into balls. Although skeins look pretty they are a pain and some are more difficult to unwind than others - my Rowanspun being one which seems particularly sticky:(

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I don't think that link is working turra...I;m just getting a box saying the image has been moved.


I agree with many of you, I know it looks pretty but I would rather have yarn already wound into balls. I gave up trying to get it into a ball at 1am, and started again this morning at 10am. I finally finished it at 2pm. That's 11 hours of yarn winding altogether!!! I think I'll take your tips for the next one and use a chair back or my better halfs hands...or maybe just only buy yarn in a ball in future!

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Turra's link works for me, but maybe she's moved it since I first looked at it and now it's loading from my cache and not the server :suspect: .


Anyhow, I love skeins of yarn, though it is a pain to have to wind them. I've just bought a ball winder from Ebay (thanks for the help, beansforyou :) ), and AmelieB has sent me the instructions to make a swift. Hopefully, they'll make the job a bit easier.

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Hubby sits with his arms outstretched, I hang the yarn ofer his hands, with his thumbs sticking out to stop the yarn falling all over the place and wind it that way.


That's the best way I think, but you can't always rely on a willing victim:D so when all else fails....

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