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Police chase on dagnam crescent ends in somerfield car park

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I have now been in contact with the Head of the Road Crime Unit, who is in charge of the officers being referred to in this case.


I have been assured that the officers working in this unit are all highly trained and skilled police drivers, using marked and unmarked cars to target criminals where they are most vulnerable - on the roads.


This highly specialised police unit target burglars, drug runners, car thieves and local prolific offenders.


This particular incident was a stolen car taken in a house burglary. (They are called 2 in 1 burglaries - where burglars break in to a house at night to steal the car keys, and then take the car). This is a big problem for the police at the moment.


The Head of the Road Crime Unit was on duty with his team at the time of this incident. They were working in certain localities, which I will not divulge for operational reasons, and made a couple of arrests that night.


I am assured that any official complaint will be investigated.


I am delighted to know that this specialised police unit are after the criminals who blight the lives of ordinary folk, and that arrests were made on this occasion. :clap:


zetagi - can I suggest that now you have had time to reflect and calm down, that you also stop digging a hole for yourself.


As a local councillor, I want every resident in Arbourthorne to get behind the new Safer Neighbourhoods Area policing team. They and their colleagues in the Road Crime Unit are doing a grand job. I'm visiting the police team next Monday with Meg Munn MP, and I shall take the opportunity of congratulating them in person on a successful operation. :thumbsup:

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I have now been in contact with the Head of the Road Crime Unit, who is in charge of the officers being referred to in this case.


I have been assured that the officers working in this unit are all highly trained and skilled police drivers, using marked and unmarked cars to target criminals where they are most vulnerable - on the roads.


This highly specialised police unit target burglars, drug runners, car thieves and local prolific offenders.


This particular incident was a stolen car taken in a house burglary. (They are called 2 in 1 burglaries - where burglars break in to a house at night to steal the car keys, and then take the car). This is a big problem for the police at the moment.


The Head of the Road Crime Unit was on duty with his team at the time of this incident. They were working in certain localities, which I will not divulge for operational reasons, and made a couple of arrests that night.


I am assured that any official complaint will be investigated.


I am delighted to know that this specialised police unit are after the criminals who blight the lives of ordinary folk, and that arrests were made on this occasion. :clap:


zetagi - can I suggest that now you have had time to reflect and calm down, that you also stop digging a hole for yourself.


As a local councillor, I want every resident in Arbourthorne to get behind the new Safer Neighbourhoods Area policing team. They and their colleagues in the Road Crime Unit are doing a grand job. I'm visiting the police team next Monday with Meg Munn MP, and I shall take the opportunity of congratulating them in person on a successful operation. :thumbsup:


well done south yorkshire police!!:clap: :clap: and may you catch many, many more of these thieving little gits!

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I am delighted to know that this specialised police unit are after the criminals who blight the lives of ordinary folk, and that arrests were made on this occasion. :clap:

Yeay!!!!!!!! :clap::clap::clap:

Good on the lads and lasses................ job well done, inspite of public harrassment.

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I'm visiting the police team next Monday with Meg Munn MP, and I shall take the opportunity of congratulating them in person on a successful operation. :thumbsup:


Give them a pat on the back from me aswell :thumbsup:


It's nice to know that operations are still being run to be proactive and getting these bug*gers before they cause any more heartache and suffering.


Also robbo, do you know anything of the judicial reform that is taking place regarding the current sentecing laws and the propsed revision of existing statutes?

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Give them a pat on the back from me aswell :thumbsup:


Will do RazorSharp :thumbsup:

It's nice to know that operations are still being run to be proactive and getting these bug*gers before they cause any more heartache and suffering.


The police have taken me into their confidence on a number of

pro-active operations that they are going to be running over time - and I feel sure that these will also pay results.


The local Safer Neighbourhood Area policing team hold monthly neighbourhood action group meetings in Arbourthorne (which cover Arbourthorne, Norfolk Park and Gleadless) where together we are beginning to get to grips with a range of crime and anti-social behaviour issues.


Also robbo, do you know anything of the judicial reform that is taking place regarding the current sentecing laws and the proposed revision of existing statutes?


In a short word - 'no'! That's because I'm only a city councillor, not an MP. But I'll ask Meg Munn MP on Monday what she knows.

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In fact, give them a pat on the back from every law abiding forummer.:thumbsup:


It makes a welcome and refreshing change to see positive posts about the police and everyones acknowledgement of the good job they do under very difficult circumstances . Who amongst us could honestly say they could do the job ? It must seem sometimes that there isn't an honest person on the face of the earth and no one appreciates the job they do ! Let me join the previous posters - well done all of you and keep up the good work !

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As a resident of Sheffield my whole life and having lived on several estates, including Arbourthorne....it always makes me smile at the attitude of a minority of people...(like this thread starter)...


When a stolen car races around the streets, us residents are in uproar at it..complaining the police don't do anything about them..


and then when the police do chase the criminals...certain residents complain that the police are driving too fast!!!


If it wasn't so serious and stupid a complaint.:loopy: ..it would be hilarious !:hihi:


So what's the alternative.? Let the criminals drive about at mega speeds, but the police should tootle after them at 30mph..in the hope that they might catch up?:loopy::huh:


Instead of going and complaining to the police chiefs about their men and women, perhaps you should be congratulating them on taking the initiative and dealing with the criminals that ruin our fine city.


I save hard to afford my 10 year old car, so that I dont have to catch a bus at 5am every morning....and if some toe-rag had pinched it...I'd hope the police did their very best to catch them........and if I found the police had been hindered by some muppet who had been standing in the road complaining about them...i'd be less than pleased....I tell you!:rant:


These boys and girls in blue (as my dear Mom would say)...do a fine job keeping us safe..and they no doubt have families of their own that they want to return to at the end of a shift...

Their jobs are dangerous and their shifts unpredictable and unsociable....I've worked at the same factory for many years....but wouldn't give it up to become a copper in today's society....so least we can do for these heroes is to support them......


I have read this forum for months, but never posted before...but this subject has incensed me enough to do so.....


One thing I have found pleasing from reading it through from start to finish..is to know that I'm not alone in praising and supporting the police..and it's nice and refreshing to know that there are other grateful residents out there too...


"Support your Sheriff's office" I say.....:thumbsup:

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