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Major Online Sheffield Social Care Conf Tomorrow(Tues)


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as above, sorry short notice,


my links arent working, but if you google

It’s Our Community: A New Vision for Social Care, you will find it


Tuesday 1.5pm, Zoom needed, etc


A quick-fire conference on social care reform.

About this Event

A positive vision for inclusive communities created by disabled people and many other experts in social care is possible.

COVID-19 has demonstrated the power of local neighbourhoods and the vital importance of ensuring people get personalised support - and avoid congregated institutional care whenever possible. However social care - for children and adults - is still stuck in the past. There has been a severe failure to invest in social care, to believe in communities and to protect the rights of families, disabled and older people.

The future of social care must be people powered, rights-based and organised at a neighbourhood level.


It’s time to:

  • End poverty in social care - stop unfair charges and low wages
  • Invest in neighbourhoods - create welcoming and inclusive communities
  • Liberate our citizens - cut out bureaucracy, centralisation and red-tape



major speakers, 


Liz Kendall MP - Shadow Social Care Minister

Caroline Waugh - Co-founder of Cycling for All

Dr Brian Fisher - Socialist Health Association

Shahida Siddique - Faithstar

Dr Simon Duffy - Centre for Welfare Reform

Clare Hyde - Director of the Foundation for Families

Nick Sinclair - Local Area Coordination Network

Kelly Hicks - PFG Doncaster





Edited by gamezone07
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