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Looking to go into business with someone who Web site development

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I am looking to go into business with someone who is interested in offering a unique service in the UK.


Not looking for someone to inject money into a business, but someone who can buy into a business model by providing the Web development skills.


The issue is I don't know anyone like this, can anyone give me some pointers please?

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I am looking to go into business with someone who is interested in offering a unique service in the UK.


Not looking for someone to inject money into a business, but someone who can buy into a business model by providing the Web development skills.


The issue is I don't know anyone like this, can anyone give me some pointers please?




... I'm not surprised you don't know anyone like this - neither do I! :suspect:


Anyway, if it's such a 'unique service' then you'd be very silly handing over a large chunk of your 'business' to someone just to get a web site developed, wouldn't you?


If you had much confidence in the idea being a success you'd be keeping it all for yourself and paying someone to do the web site development for you.


And if you don't have the funds to pay someone to do it for you then your 'unique service' business plan would no doubt convince any potential investor to come up with the cash to pay for this.


On the other hand, if you've just woke up one day with an idea that you think might work and decided to see if some gullible IT person might like to spend their valuable time 'giving it a go' for free, while you sit back having absolutely no commitment to the 'idea' succeeding, then I suppose this is the way to go... :roll:

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