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Rainwater penetration of stone walled house


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What is the best method to stop rainwater soaking into the stonework of a house?

I know that there are several clear solvents in DIY stores to stop the ingress of water in these cases, but do they work efficiently and are there any drawbacks in applying them?

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Some kinds of stone are porous and will allow water to soak in. It only really matters if there is no cavity in the wall and the water ends up inside the building.


There are clear silicone treatments which some builders claim are effective barriers against water ingress, but you have to allow the wall to dry out first before applying - so at the end of a hot summer, ideally. It's not cheap, either - allow several £k.


I do not know of any DIY treatment which works.

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Is it actually soaking through the stone or finding its way through the mortar joints? Beware of sealing things like stonework as you may trap moisture in the stone( coming from inside your house) which could degrade the stonework. If you're considering this get a pro like a chartered surveyor or chartered architect.

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