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..Honours list..

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Queenie has her birthday,

And decides it is the honours give away,

Some bestowed to some genuine folk,

Though some awarded seem a bit of a joke,

Those questionable MP’s that become lords,

Sometimes leaves me lost for words,

Yet that chap that brought a cycling revelation,

Should and rightly be recognised by the nation,

Yet once again that Sheffield man,

With his Curly Wig and his Charity Pram,

That Macmillan knight whose hours of fund raising,

To sum up in words is truly amazing,

Has been overlooked, by her so regal,

This may provoke, a bit of local needle,

Sheffield’s grandest finest fellow,

She has failed again to bestow,

Come on Queenie surely it has to be,

A rise Sir John Burkhill or at least O.B.E.



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