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Banks, Debt and Inequality - public talk Weds April 22nd


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******** NOW FULLY BOOKED ******* (See further post below)

An illustrated talk by Peter Verity of the Positive Money campaign, given as part of the Sheffield 'Festival of Debate'


Union St building (Corner of Union Street and Charles Street), 7pm on Weds April 22nd


Few people ask the question “where does money come from?”. The surprising answer is that 97% of money is created by high-street banks when they make loans. This talk will illustrate how the nation has surrendered its sovereign right to create money to private banks, and how this leads to high levels of debt, and a transfer of money from the poor to the rich.


Positive Money is a campaign to create a money and banking system that works for society and not against it. Peter Verity is the coordinator of the Sheffield group of Positive Money supporters.





Edited by PositivePete
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We've been advised by the organisers that this event is almost fully booked. If you want to go, please reserve a place through the festival website http://www.festivalofdebate.com/april-3.html


---------- Post added 20-04-2015 at 23:23 ----------


The event is now fully booked. If you haven't already reserved a place on the festival website, it is unlikely you will get in. However, we will be putting on a REPEAT of the talk one week later - Weds 29th April, 7:30pm at the Quaker Meeting House, St James St.


Apologies for any inconvenience

Edited by PositivePete
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