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Music Recording..could you help?


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I am looking for some help/advice on how to go about getting a track recorded.


My father is suffering from a brain tumour and is likely to lose his battle sometime in the next couple of weeks. A few weekends ago I had a difficult and emotional discussion with him about his wishes for his funeral/memorial and he was clear that he would like family and friends to contribute. I would dearly like to sing but I know I just won't be able to hold back the tears.


Then I got to thinking about the possibility of recording something beforehand but I simply don't know where to start.


Could anyone out there help me? If so I can be contacted on lucyagreen@hotmail.com.


Feel free to share via social media.


Thank you for reading.




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Hiya Lucy.


Can you give me a bit more detail? If it's just you and an instrument then a high quality mp3/wav recorder will probably do a good enough job.


I have one and I live very close to Nether Edge.

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Thanks Moosey. I will take a look.


Lucy x


---------- Post added 08-03-2014 at 17:25 ----------


Hi Lockjaw,


I know someone who can play the piano accompaniment and I can get hold of the sheet music. I don't have any equipment (mic or amp) so would that work? Sorry to be so ignorant I have only ever sung live.


Thank you so much for taking the time to get in touch,


Lucy x

Edited by Lucy_Green
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Thanks Moosey. I will take a look.


Lucy x


---------- Post added 08-03-2014 at 17:25 ----------


Hi Lockjaw,


I know someone who can play the piano accompaniment and I can get hold of the sheet music. I don't have any equipment (mic or amp) so would that work? Sorry to be so ignorant I have only ever sung live.


Thank you so much for taking the time to get in touch,


Lucy x


We could probably get a pretty good result on the MP3 recorder just by putting you and the recorder in the right position relative to the piano and could certainly try it out pretty quickly to see if it works. If it doesn't produce a good enough result, I know a couple of people with proper recording studio equipment in their houses and I'm sure one of them should be able to help out.


Drop me a quick message via the website in the first link in my signature and I'll contact you by email.


ETA: Sorry. Strike that. Your email is in your first post. Durr! I'll be in touch in a minute.

Edited by Lockjaw
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


Just wanted thank everyone who has contacted me about this - the generosity shown by the people of Sheffield never ceases to amaze me, you are so very kind.


I wanted also to apologise for not responding until now - I developed an awful chest infection the weekend that I posted and literally have had no voice since. I am just about recovered although still a little croaky to say the least.


I will contact all those of you that have replied individually.


Thank you again for your kind words and for all your offers of help.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Just wanted to let everyone know that I made my recording with much thanks to Andy for guiding me through the process and being so very patient, (& to his wife Lynn for letting me take over her dining room for the evening).


I now have a new-found respect for recording artists everywhere, my goodness it is difficult to get it right! Maybe I will take a look at getting some lessons at your studio PracticeShef!


I lost my Dad on Friday 28th March - my family & I were with him - just as it should have been. The funeral is on Friday in my home-town of Preston so fingers crossed it sounds OK.


I am so grateful to all of you for your offers of help.






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