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How is British history taught in schools?

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when you actually live abroard where the concept of a mile is not known at all, you do stop thinking in miles and after a while you don't even convert any more. Why should you. The speedo on your vehicle only says kilometers. The signs only say kilometers. Nearly everyone you meet has no idea what a mile is supposed to be. You think of the distance between two places as being 100 km, not 60 miles and when you calculate how long it would take to drive there, you do it on the basis of what your average speed is likely to be in kilometers. When Americans who are living just about anywhere outside the US (except the UK) say they were 'doing 60' or 'doing 80' they will not be meaning that they were travelling at 36 or 48 miles an hour but in kilometers.


I agree, when you live abroad you soon adapt, if you just occasionally visit or holiday abroad initially you convert sometimes .... until the novelty wears off.

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